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here we go again, back where it all started. An actual exciting part of my life, and well it was worth the while. I was still the same hurt and depressed girl as when I left.

My parents try to 'find' a cure, but sometimes the one who hurt you is the one you want to be comforted by... And that is Jack.

pulling back up to my old house is weird, however, a part of me missed it dearly.

"How was the ride back?" mom asks me as I got out of my car "it was good, we sleeping here tonight?"

"here, I packed some sleeping bags and pillows in your car's trunk" she walks over to my car opening the trunk and going inside to grab all of it.

"alright" I mumble helping her with the bedding I remember to tell Sophia that I'm back so suddenly and maybe she and I can meet tomorrow.

my mom unlocked the house letting me go in first, I set everything that I carried in down then dialled Sophia's number "hey soph, I know it's late and all but I need to talk to you, I'm here in Vermont again, get back to me soon" I left a message

"Yeah, we're already here just knock when you arrive. Alright love you bye" my dad walked in hanging up his phone "he's almost here," he says to my mom

"ok I'll make our bed upstairs in our old room" she walks up the stairs

Gathering my sleeping bag and some pj's I walked upstairs opening my old room door was weird, I haven't done that in forever.

Making my bed on the floor my phone went off, I scrambled to grab it as I see who texted me.

Sophia texted me.


I texted her back giggling at how she reacted.

'Hi! Yes u can lol the same house as before'

'Great see you then <3'


The loud knocking and Sophia's voice woke me up, I crawled out of the sleeping bag and opened the blinds slightly before going downstairs to open the door.

"Hey, Soph" I smile she hugs me without saying a word "I miss you." She said quietly to me squeezing me harder.

"I missed you too."

"Welcome back" she let go of me holding my hands "how does it feel?"

"Different, but in a good way" I grinned "want to come inside?" I offer her, she nods and follows me upstairs to my room.

"How is everyone?" I ask slightly hoping she will update me on one person specifically.

"Everyone's fine, haven't spoken much to them since last week. We kind of went our separate ways." She tells me "but they text the group chat every once in a while."

"Group chat?" I furrowed my brows in confusion, I'm not in a group chat...

"Oh, right... I made a group chat when you left and told them all that you were going to move and yeah." She explains "they all wanted to say goodbye but I was too late"

"Hm," I hummed "I wish I could've at least said bye to them."

"Me too" she sighed "hey, we can always set up a reunion."

"I guess" I perk up "that's if they want to see me again."

Footsteps down the hallway caught Sophia and I's attention we both looked at my door, my mom knocked before entering.

"Hey-Oh hi, who is this?" My mom was surprised by Sophia in my room so early in the morning.

"I'm Sophia" she softly smiles holding her hand out to shake my mom's "nice to see you again"

"Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you since we left, how have you been soph?" My mom chirped holding Sophia's hand with both of hers, "glad you and y/n stayed in contact"

"Yeah, of course, want me to help you guys unpack?" She offers my mom's face lit up "that would be greatly appreciated."

"Ok, I can then" she nodded "alright I'm going to head downstairs and order some breakfast any special request? I'm just getting a regular order." She says

"Just the same as always momma," I look at Sophia "uh same as y/n" she points at me

"Alright, see you guys in a bit" she walked out of my room and closed the door behind her

"Your mom is just as nice as when you guys left" Sophia joked I laughed with her "yeah I mean she has her moments."

"My mom does too"

"Anyways, want to go for a drive?" I ask

"Yeah, let's go" she grabs her keys and we run downstairs I tell my mom Sophia and I will be back we're just going for a drive.

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