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"Which school are you going to?" Sophia wonders glancing at me then back at the road.

"Middlebury." I look at her "that's the college I'm going to."

"Middlebury?" She repeats what I said nodding I give her a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Nothing just heard of the school but yeah - it's whatever." She mumbled

I awkwardly fumbled with my hands wondering if that school is a good choice, why else is her reaction like that?

"Want to go to the lookout?" She asks me

"Sure" I smile softly


We drove with little talk and arrived at the lookout within fifteen minutes later. I got out and walked to the edge of the lookout staring at the view.


"I know right, it's beautiful." Sophia stood beside me staring out at the view.

"Can I ask you something?" I looked at her she turned her head towards me "yeah of course, what is it?"

"How has Jack been?"

"Oh, yeah he's been great I think. Not sure how he's handled single life but yeah, I really don't know the boy's relationship status."

"Oh.." I nod "has he told you much about his life?"

"Mmm, no not a lot just kind of keeping his distance lately." She tells me "but he does check in on us in the group chat."

"Right" I look back out at the view

"Do you miss him?" Sophia wonders

"My heart says yes a million times but my mind says forget about him because he isn't worth it," I say

"I think you should talk to him, see what's up." She suggests "come on, your mom probably already has breakfast"

"Okay" I nod and we go back to the car


"Hey mom" I come in through the front door walking towards the kitchen my mom is standing by the island.

"Hey girls, I got breakfast" she sets our food down on the counter "by the way I wanted to talk about dorms"

"What for?"

"Thank you Mrs. L/N" Sophia smiles

"You're welcome" she returns the smile "Oh decorations for your dorm, you know for Middlebury." She looks at me

"Right! Yeah, I forgot about dorming." I chuckle "I mean sure why don't we go shopping for it later"

"We have to visit your college first and see the dorms, get the dimensions of the room so we can get furniture and such that will fit. And also get a feel of the environment of the place." She drinks her coffee

"Sure, okay. Let me eat my food first" I take a bite of my wrap "thank you by the way mom"

"Of course" she replies

My dad walks in and mom hands him his requested order for breakfast he kisses her saying good morning.

"So I'm going to take y/n and Sophia to go get things for y/n's dorm." mom explains to dad

"Ok, sounds fun," he says unamused because it isn't about whatever middle-aged men like these days, that isn't offensive.

"Well, see you later then" she pats his shoulder walking out "I'm going to get dressed then we can leave," she tells us

"Ok," I say

"What about your car?" Sophia reminds me

"Oh shoot" I run outside and look at my car filled with all of my belongings, we quickly make room in the back seat and by then my mom is outside.

"We're taking my car, I left it here when we moved remember." She unlocks hers walking over to it.

"Haha." Sophia and I look at each other then run to get in her car, she drives us to Middlebury and we get out.

"Come on I'll ask where we go for the dorms and if we need to register you here." My mom says we nod and follow her

The lady was nice and let us look at some of the regular dorms where you share with people, my mom wasn't a fan of it and neither was I.

We go into a dorm room that was open and had someone already in there, the girl who had previously lived in the room had left due to some issues with her tuition.

"Who's my roommate?" I ask the lady who took us to the room she kind of shrugged "I don't know her name or anything about her, she's not here because it's the break before semester change."

"Oh, ok well thank you," I say she nods and leaves

"Shall we go dorm shopping after measuring everything out?" My mom grabs a measuring tape from her purse

"Sure," I say and look at Sophia who says yes

"Well alright then, let's do this," she says

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 | 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝘿𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now