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Part 27 (Vickystories21)

After the game I started changing out of my gear when our coach an Orion walked in

O- Banks, mind following us so we can discuss the change?

he nodded an grabbed his hockey bag following them out making me look at Rick confused who had the same face I did before Cole spoke up

Co- I heard he was switching back to JV

what. the. FUCK

Sc- yeah I heard him talking to Coach an Orion about it earlier

D- you have got to be kidding me right?!

they shock their heads no as I rolled my eyes slipping back on my shoes before throwing my stuff in my bag

R- screw him! we don't need some kid that doesn't have the heart of a warrior! we got Dakota, that's all we need

they cheered as I chuckled standing up with my bags about to head out but Rick stopped me

R- we are heading to dinner once we all shower, wanna join us?

D- sure! just let me go get ready!

R- dress nice, no jeans!

D- got it Riley!

he smiled so I left the locker room heading back to my dorm that I remembered I shared with Adam god damn it. I walked in seeing him on his bed doing homework, I didn't say anything and just put my hockey bag an school bag down next to my bed before heading to my closet an grabbing out a nice dress still not failing to notice the confused look Adam was giving me. I headed to the bathroom an got ready before doing my hair a little before putting on my varsity jacket

( so not the jean jacket, she's wearing the varsity jacket and black converse instead of those huge ass heels) I walked out of the bathroom an heading towards the door but Adam had other plans

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( so not the jean jacket, she's wearing the varsity jacket and black converse instead of those huge ass heels) I walked out of the bathroom an heading towards the door but Adam had other plans

A- where are you going dressed like that?

I rolled my eyes turning to him with a shut the fuck up look

D- varsity teams going out to dinner, since you are switching to JV you aren't invited.

A- wait you heard about that?

D- Scooter an Cole did, they told us. I can't believe you would go back to them after how everything

A- what are you talking about D?

I crossed my arms looking at him

D- they literally treated you like shit for the past 2 weeks of us being here! all they have been doing is calling you a  "cake eater" an saying how "you betrayed them" even Charlie was doing it!

A- they are still my friends D you have to understand that!

D- an what am I huh?

he didn't say anything at first but when he did I wish he hadn't

A- well honestly I don't know since you rejected me when I wanted to make you my girlfriend!

I looked at him in disbelief

D- rejected you?! Adam all I did was say I needed time to think it through! I wasn't in the right mind space to give a correct answer an I wanted to make sure we would work! but at this rate I don't even think we will make it a week being together

A- funny you say that because I was thinking the same thing!

won't lie, that hurt.

D- good, we finally agreed on something! I have a dinner to attend to.

I walked out of the dorm letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding once the door shut, I walked down the stairs and outside the building before having a cab car drive me to the restaurant that Rick told me to meet them. Once I got there I walked in an spotted them, Rick saw me as well and waved me over. i walked over an took a seat a crossed from him which was next to Scooter. I noticed Mindy was there as well so I greeted her as she returned the gesture, we all talked about the game an laughed a lot until one conversation got brought up

R- so Dakota, now that you are official a Varsity Warrior. I think you should move in to our dorms with us all so that you can be with your real team

I almost chocked on my pasta when he said that, I didn't speak until I gained my composure

D- I'm sorry what?

R- yeah, I think it would be great and honestly awesome for the team!

D- you aren't doing this just to get back at the ducks right?

R- of course not! you are the only one with the heart of a warrior an you need to embrace it!

Sc- come on just think about it alright?

D- alright I will think about it

they all nodded an started to talk about another topic before we all chipped in for paying the bill an walked out of the restaurant starting to walk to the dorms. we got half way there when I saw Dean, Julie, Maddie, and Fulton all walking towards us, they were going to pass us but Rick decided to be a ass an shoulder Fulton which pissed off Dean

De- watch where you are going preppy!

he had his arm around Julie's shoulder which made me clench my fist as Rick dropped his arm from Mindy's

R- you got in my way man

De- oh did I now?

Dean got closer to Rick's face so Scooter tried to defuse the tension by getting in between them but Fulton shoved him back so I shoved Fulton away causing Dean to chuckle

De- sticking up for your preppy friends, aren't ya?

I looked at my brother with nothing by hatred in my eyes

D-go fuck yourself Dean.

De- don't flatter yourself sis, you are just mad that I was able to fuck both of your friends.

I was angry, no that was a understatment. I kind of blacked out for a spilt second because when I gained focus again, Dean was on the ground holding his now bloody nose an my knuckle was bloody.. I had punched him

R- oh shit, Dakota we got to go!

Rick grabbed my wrist an pulled me as we all started running to the dorms hoping not to get caught for the little "fight"

Co- I can't believe you hit him!

M- I won't lie! it was honestly pretty cool!

Sc- you are scary but in a good way!

we started laughing an trying to catch our breaths as we ran, my knuckles hurt so bad but I can't say I would regret it well that was until the next day during 4th period I got called in Mr. Buckley's office to talk about the incident. just my luck

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