things they say

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Part 39 (@Vickystories21)

the next day rolled around an I honestly didn't want to wake up, but of course I didn't have a choice. I got ready an did my hair while Adam got ready before I grabbed my bag an hockey bag since we had a game today

I yelled to Adam that I was leaving before I walked out of our dorm an headed to my locker to put my hockey bag in

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I yelled to Adam that I was leaving before I walked out of our dorm an headed to my locker to put my hockey bag in. Once I closed my locker I looked to the side seeing Rick looking at me as he leaned on a locker next to mine

D- what do you want.

R- did you get my letter?

I rolled my eyes an started walking away but of course he followed me an started walking next to me

R- Dakota? did you??

I looked right at him pissed

D- yes I did dickhead!! why would I forgive you after what you did?! that was fucking low! you practically mocked my brother an blamed me for it! so go fuck yourself an go suck your preppy dad's dick!

he stopped walking as I continued heading straight to class. *skip to lunch* I put all my books into my bag as the bell rang, I put my bag on my back before I started heading to lunch but I spotted someone ahead of me, I looked closer an saw Quinn. I scuffed an walked over to her pissed

D- what the fuck you doing here?!

she looked at me fixing her backpack strap as she waved bye to the person that was walking with her 

Q- hey uh Dakota, you enjoying school?

D- cut to the chase asshat, why are you here?!

Q- I enrolled into Eden

D- why?

she didn't respond for a few seconds but than she did

Q- well um me an my boyfriend broke up so uh Mom thought it would be best to enroll into school again, I know Davin-

I immediately stopped her

D- don't even fucking mention him! don't use him as a excuse to why you are here! yes he would be happy to see you in school again but you weren't there! you didn't go to the funeral because you took off with your boyfriend! you were never here so why now huh?! why the fuck did you show up now?!

I angrily wiped away from tears before turning on my heel an walking off

Q- where are you going!

I didn't respond an just flipped her off before heading to my dorm choosing to not go to lunch just wanting a break. I walked into mine an Adam's dorm and my heart sunk, all over the walls were words that said, slut, Dakota's a bitch, murder.. it was all over the walls, I dropped my bag on my bed and just stared at the wall feeling the tears fall down my face, I heard the door open but I didn't budge

A- I just got this- Dakota?

I heard something get put onto the floor before Adam stood next to me looking at the wall than at me

A- D?

I looked at him an instantly broke down, my knees gave out an he caught me before I hit the floor. he held my head on his chest as i cried. he tried his hardest to calm me down but nothing was working, everything from rick to quinn an now this I finally broke. the door opened but again I didn't move just cried into my boyfriend's arms


I felt Adam's head turn an everything went quiet, only the sound of my crying could be heard until Dean spoke up again

De- who the fuck did this?!

A- we don't know, I just came in here when I realized she wasn't in lunch an saw this..

I heard footsteps an someone sit on my bed luckily guess it was Dean

De- I'm gonna hurt who ever the hell did this..

A- it was probably Rick, I know he was starting shit with her

De- wait what?!

Adam went into explaining everything that went down with Rick to Dean an I heard Dean get up an storm out slamming the door probably to beat Rick's ass. I lifted my head off Adam's chest finally not crying as hard, he wiped my tears an kissed my forehead

A- we should tell Mr. Buckley..

I nodded an we stood up leaving our dorm, we headed to Mr. Buckley's office an walked in

B- ah Adam an Dakota! come in sit

we took a seat in front of his desk before he spoke

B- what can I do for you two?

A- uh Mr. Buckley, Rick Riley has been tortumenting my girlfriend for weeks on end, you already know about the photo but he wrote all over the wall of our dorm hurtful words about her. I already beat him once an I sure as heck don't wanna have to do it again

Buckley sighed an sat back in his chair folding his hands on his stomach

B- do you have proof that Mr. Riley had did such a thing?

I could feel Adam's getting mad as he squeezed my hand so I took over

D- no sir, we don't know that it was Rick but there is only 3 people I know that would do that

B-an those people are?

D- Quinn Portman, Julie Gaffeny and of course Rick Riley

his eyebrows scrunched together as I said my sisters name

B- quinn? your sister?

D- yes sir, we don't have the best relationship 

he sighed but nodded

B- I will look into the issue, you two just don't do anything got it?

we nodded an stood up heading to the door

B- uh Adam?

he looked at him showing he was listening

B- don't get into another fight, I won't want to have to call your dad

Adam nodded before we walked out, I could tell he was upset 

D- what was it that you were gonna tell me?

A- oh uh it don't matter forget about it

D- it does matter, what is it?

he sighed before looking at me

A- my dad wants to disown me, he sent me a letter

D- what!?

A- yeah he believes you corrupted me an since I live with an I quote "your bitch ass mom who is nothing but trash on the side of the road" he wants nothing to do with me.

D- that's bullshit!!! he can't fucking do that! corrupted you?! I did nothing to you! 

A- I know but that's just my dad for ya, he can disown me I don't give a fuck anymore. at least my my mom loves me, I don't need him or his god damn money

I could tell he cared but I didn't want to push more into it so I just kissed his cheek as we decided to head to the library for a while until the game 

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