it only gets worse

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Part 43 (Vickystories21 )

I storm into my dorm slamming it shut probably cracking it before laying on my bed face down into my pillow crying. I cried so I hard I had fallen asleep.. I woke up an it was like mid day, I walked into the bathroom and removed my makeup before getting into sweats an a t-shirt before going to search for my boyfriend since I realized he wasn't in the dorm.

I walked around for a bit before finally finding him sitting on a bench outside the school with his head in his hands. I sat next to him an tapped his shoulder causing him to look at me

D-why are you out here? you could have came back to the dorm..

He sighed an put his head on my shoulder holding my hand

A-I tried to stand up to my dad but he just uh beat me down again..

I heard him sniffle making me sign, I kissed his head while rubbing circles into his hand

D-you tried you best banks, your dad is just a cruel man who needs to get off his high horse before I knock him off myself

Adam chuckled slightly but lifted up his head still holding my hand

A-I do love you Dakota even if you arent ready to say it b-

I cut him off by kissing him into which he deepened the kiss before pulling away

D-I love you too banks an I don't wanna lose you..

His smile only grew after I said that

A-that has got to be one of the most corniness comments you have ever said

We both laughed before I saw Buckley walk over to us

B-evening guys, um Dakota mind coming with me really quick?

I looked at him confused but nodded, I gave Adam a kiss on the cheek than followed Buckley until he sat at a table outside so I sat across from him

B-do you know why I asked to see you?

D-uh no sir

B-well a bunch of stuff has gone missing in the dorms an school and people have said it might be you doing it

I looked at him in disbelief scuffing before looking forward

D-why on earth would I steal?! don't you think I got enough going on ?!

He sighed an folded his hands

B-listen Dakota, I don't believe you would steal this stuff but people are accusing you of doing so, so we will be searching your dorm

I rolled my eyes

D-go right ahead, I got nothing to hide.

I got up walking away annoyed from this, Adam was still at the bench so I sat next to him

A-what did he want?

D-just to say that people are accusing me of stealing

He shook his head running his fingers through his hair

A-I swear it's Rick or Julie doing this to you, when are they ever gonna fucking stop?!

I looked at him in shock as he did too

D-you swore! Oh my you hung out with me for way to long!

He shook his head again before grabbing my hand, we started to walk to our dorm just to see my old PO Tony, Philips and Buckley all standing by my dorm. Dean saw us an ran over to me

De-did you actually steal?!

D-no dean I didn't! ugh why is tony here?!

De-so they can arrest you if you did, I mean I would be shocked bc you usually only get arrested for abuse

I glared at him as Adam held my hand tighter

A-maybe talking abt this isn't the best option

I nodded an Dean followed us a as we walked over to everyone

B-ah finally, Dakota and Adam do we have your permission to search your dorm?

We both nodded not really feeling like fighting as he opened the door an went in with Philips as Tony turned to me

T-it's good to see you kid, sadly it had to be like this

D-I rlly wish you didn't show up

Tony sighed an looked into the dorm

T-it's my job, you should have stayed out of trouble. Didn't learn from the first time?

I rolled my eyes as he walked in before I flipped him off. It felt like ages as we sat against the wall waiting.. I know there wasn't anything in there so why am I so nervous?

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