I Promise I'll Tell You Everything.

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"Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save? Better lock it in your pocket taking this one to the grave. If I show you than I know you won't tell what I said. 'Cause two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead," - The Pierces


Before we start, I just want to dedicate this chapter to @creepigbookworm because she/he corrected me on my spelling mistake in the last book in this series, Assassin Academy. THANK YOU!! 👏👏


"Raelyn!" I heard my father yell from the bottom floor of the house.

I immediately jumped up from my previous lying position on my bed and jogged down the staircase to meet my Fathers intimidating stare.

"Yes, Father?" I said.

"We really need you to get more information out of James so that we can make our next move, time is running out, and the more we wait, the closer Theodore is to finding out where we are and killing us all,"

I sighed, "I'll get right on it," I said, a serious tone in my voice.

While I was with my father, I might as well put it out there.

"Father?" I said abruptly.

"Yes?" he replied.

"Would you mind setting James free of his-"

"HELL NO!" He shouted, but lowered his voice due to the questioning stares he was getting from Hanna and Jessie, "Are you insane? The moment he is free, he'll just try to escape,"

But the thing was, I already made a backup plan for that. I told my father what my plan B was, and he agreed wholeheartedly.

"Alright," I said to my father, "thank you,"

I dismissed myself from the conversation and walked into the kitchen to snack on an apple.

"Hungry, are we?" Jessie asked.

"Very," I said while taking another chunk out of this delicious green apple.

"JESSIE GET YOUR BUT IN HERE!" Hanna shouted from the family room.

"YES MOM!" Jessie mocked back to her, but regardless he rolled his eyes and sauntered back into the family room.

"Time for business," I spoke to myself.


"It's nice to see you again, Raelyn," James said to me while I was interrogating him-again-in the garage of the house.

It was pretty dark so he had no idea where he was, and that was the point.

"I would say the same for you," I told him with a smirk, "but my mother always told be not to lie,"

"Quit the comedian I see," James observed.

"Better to be the Joker than to be the fool," I said.

"Touché," James replied with a sly smirk.

"Have you spoken to your father about setting me free?" James asked.

"Yes, I have,"

"So, what did he say?"

"He agreed with me wholeheartedly, and he said I could. As long as you tell me what I need first," I said to James.

I was expecting him to put up a fight, to say, 'No, you let me go first and then I'll tell you what you need to know,'.

But he didn't do that, and I was astounded when he said, "Okay,"

"Okay?" I said, surprised that, that was all he had to say.

"Okay," he said once more.

(A/N: To all of the TFIOS fans, sorry if I made you go crazy 😁)

"You're not going to put up a fight?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"No. The boss always said that you were one for keeping your promises. So all I want is for you to promise me that after I tell you this, you'll take me out of these chains and let me leave,"

"Okay," I said, "I promise that once you tell me all of what you know, I will take off your chains. Do we have a deal?" I asked.

"Yes." He said while sticking out his hand for me to shake, although it was sort of hard for him to do because it was pinned to the arm of the chair.

But no matter what, I had to know what James knew.

I lifted my arm in an awkward position and shook James' hand.

He smirked, "So now we have a deal?"

"Yes, now we have a deal. And you'll tell me everything?"

"Oh yes, Raelyn. I'll tell you everything."



















How did you like this chapter?

I feel like my writing/typing, has been a little off lately.

It just feels weird, you know?

But anyway, lease feel free to point out any grammar mistakes that I could have made!

It will be deeply appreciated!

P.S. Sorry this chapter is short, I promise the next one will be longer!

With lots of typed words,


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