Chapter 46 - Trouble in Paradise Marriage

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Yibo sat in the common room staring into space while all the other residents celebrated around him. Finally, thanks to the AI, the scientists have made a breakthrough and created a serum that immediately neutralizes the vampire virus in a fresh bite. The bitten person cannot and will not turn. Even if this works for the time being only with one bite. With several bites the poison is too strong and the serum does not help.

Nevertheless, this is a success that had to be properly celebrated by all residents of both hotel complexes. Only Yibo did not feel like celebrating at all. He was simply trying to comprehend what had gone wrong between him and Zhan over the past two weeks, which had even driven Zhan to move out of their shared apartment for the time being.

Just the thought of seeing Zhan standing in front of him with his packed bag and Zhan telling him he was temporarily moving out brought tears to Yibo's eyes. He just had to get out of the hall and wanted his peace. So he returned to the apartment where he was all alone.

A-Yuan was at the party with his grandparents and Zhan had moved out and buried himself in his work. Yet he and Zhan didn't even argue. They were still talking quietly to each other. If they talked to each other, of course. Because that didn't happen often in the past 14 days.

Yibo walked up and down the living room and finally stopped and said angrily, "Damn it! I didn't do anything wrong after all! Why did you move out Zhan?" But since Zhan wasn't there, he couldn't give him an answer either.

Angry, Yibo left the apartment and went straight to the infirmary. He wanted to talk to Zhan and he wanted to talk to him now! He would not be held back and delayed any longer now! He has finally had enough of it and wants his husband back!

For the past 14 days, Zhan had been acting strangely. Since the new group arrived at the hotel and as Yibo thought, unfortunately for him, his ex-girlfriend Lee was with them. But as soon as Yibo learned that she was with the group of new residents, Yibo went to see her and clarified the situation with her. He told her that he had fallen in love with Zhan and that they were married and even had a son. He told her that he loves Zhan more than anything. He said it clearly after she went to hug him and told him she had been looking for him for the past few months, hoping she would see him again. But Yibo knew she had lied. She had always lied. Only back then, Yibo always accepted it because he didn't care.

Finally after he made it clear that she couldn't expect anything from him, she told him it was okay and she accepted it. But then why did Zhan pull away? Didn't he trust him after all? Had Zhan lost his trust in Yibo because he was talking to Lee alone and didn't want Zhan involved? Or was Zhan upset because they didn't get to talk that night, even though they had planned to? Yibo just didn't know.

When Yibo reached the infirmary, he saw that the door to Zhan's consulting room was ajar and the light was on. He walked toward the consulting room and was about to just open the door because he was just furious when he heard soft voices. Zhan's and Lee's. So instead of rushing into the consulting room, he stopped and listened to what they were talking about.

"... said that Yibo wants me back. He told me that the first day he talked to me. He said that now that he sees me, he only realizes how much he missed me. And that he only got into this thing with you because he thought you were the only survivor and that he would never see me again." Said Lee.

"Why do you keep telling me this? Do you enjoy torturing me?" Asked Zhan. Yibo bit his fist to keep from screaming. Because it hurt him to hear that.

"No. I told you to leave him alone, though. I told you he wouldn't have the guts to tell you himself."

"And why?"

"Because your father is the boss here and he's afraid everyone will hate him then. But Xiao Zhan I tell you, you better sort it out. Because Yibo is really unhappy right now. He wants to be with me and because of you he doesn't dare."

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