Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 10

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I let out a scream which was muffled by the hand clamped over my mouth. I tried to turn around, but a strong arm was wrapped around my waist. On the verge on panic, I bit the person's hand. He immediately cussed and let go.

I knew that voice. I turned around and came face-to-face with Jamie. I gave him a deadly glare and punched his arm.

"What the hell, Jaime?! You scared the shit outta me!" I shrieked. Ew. I hate shrieking. It sounds so pathetic and bitchy. I guess the guy from McDonald's still has me a bit on edge.

"Jeez. What's got you so jumpy this morning, Lo?" He laughed.

"Nothing." I spat, glowering.

"Okay, I have this strange feeling that you're mad at me." He grimaced.

"Oh, really?" I muttered sarcastically.

His hand went to his hair and he ruffled-more like clawed at-it, looking frustrated. I looked him over, he was wearing his usual flip-flops. He had on a pair of black basketball shorts and a maroon Hollister T-shirt. He was looking at the ground until he noticed that I was appraising him. His onyx eyes snapped up to mine with an extremely apologetic gaze.

"I'm so sorry, Lo. I don't know what came over me. I guess I was just jealous and I snapped. I know I had no reason to be jealous, I just couldn't help it. I know how you feel about me. I'm sorry I brought it up. I didn't mean to upset you." He looked down at the floor again. I noticed how close we were standing. I could almost feel the shame rolling off of him. I shifted uncomfortably and sighed.

"It's okay, Jamie. How 'bout we just forget about it, kay?" I attempted a smile.

Grinning sheepishly, "Friends?" Jamie asked. He half raised his arms looking hopeful for a hug. I rolled my eyes and took half a step forward, wrapping my arms around his waist. He squeezed my back firmly, unwilling to let go. After a few rather uneasy moments on my part, I tried to pull away but found it difficult.

My back was only a few inches away from the sink, not giving me a whole lot of room to escape his grasp. I slowly unwrapped an arm from his torso and carefully reached back, dipping my hand in the soapy water. I soaked my hand and scooped a meager amount of liquid into my palm and on my fingertips. I snapped my arm back around and flicked the water right in Jamie's face.

His eyes snapped open, shocked and his hands fell from my back. I think I noticed a faint shade of pink color his cheeks, but it was gone so fast I couldn't be sure if it had ever really been there at all. He looked down at me frowning. I laughed at his expression. A smile tugged at his lips and soon he was smirking. Next thing I knew, he had somehow reached around me and cloudy water was dripping down my forehead and cheeks. I raised an eyebrow at him challengingly.

"This is war." I stuck my tongue out at him before sticking my hand back into the water and flicking him with it again.

Pretty soon, we were both covered in the soapy liquid and chasing each other around and around the kitchen. I could feel strands of sud-covered hair sticking to the sides of face and to my cheeks. Both of our shirts were drenched in some parts and speckled in others. He shook his head like a dog at me, flinging tiny droplets of water at my face and all around the kitchen. It was then when I noticed Cole coming into the kitchen.

I stood there and stared at him with his unwavering stare focused on me as well. Noticing that I had stopped laughing and moving, Jamie looked around until he saw Cole. I wrenched my gaze from his intoxicating emerald eyes and focused on Jamie. His dark eyes narrowed with loathing. His brow scrunched together and nostrils flared; both his jaw and fists clenched. He mildly reminded me of a ravenous bull.

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