Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 12

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~ Dedicated to CarleighRenee45 for the awesome new cover! ~


“Mr. Sampson?”

Cole had told me that the door was usually unlocked so I should just walk in, but just I was about to open the door it swung open and I came face-to-face with my high school drama teacher. He stared at me for a moment in shock before he caught sight of Cole standing behind me leaning on his crutches.As he took in his condition, he made a slight gasping noise and I saw some of the blood drain from his face.

“Isaac, is that Cole?” I heard a woman’s voice come from behind him. A woman who looked to be in her mid- to-late thirties walked to the door and put a hand on Mr. Sampson’s shoulder from behind. I couldn’t help but notice that they made a great couple. Her smile was wiped off her face when she saw Cole. She gasped loudly and ushered the both of us inside.

“Oh my goodness, Cole; what happened?” The woman, who I assumed to be Cole’s aunt, asked.

“Uh… I fell off a cliff.” I nearly had to stifle a laugh at how embarrassed he sounded. Both she and her husband’s eyes bulged. She quickly began to fuss and try to guide him to the couch. I followed along and sat down beside him feeling pretty uncomfortable.

What?!” his aunt exclaimed, horrified.

“Would you mind telling us the whole story, Cole?” Mr. Sampson asked, “And wait, Logan, how are you involved?”

“Um—“ I started, but Cole cut me off.

“Hold on, Uncle Isaac, how do you know Logie?”

“Logie?” He questioned, eyebrows raised. Cole shrugged, “She was in my drama class a few years ago; definitely one of my favorite students.”

“Well that’s not surprising.” He smirked, before turning to me, “You were a drama freak, Logie?”

I frowned; I loved that class, “I wasn’t a drama freak. I only took it for two years, but I did really enjoy it. Mr. Sampson was an awesome teacher.” I smiled.

I saw Mr. Sampson grin proudly from the corner of my eye, but Cole coughed muttering “Drama freak,” under his breath. His aunt cleared her throat, “Well it’s very nice to meet you Logan, I certainly remember Isaac telling me about you, I’m Tamara.” She smiled warmly, sticking out her hand. I smiled in return and shook it.

“Well enough pleasantries, what the hell happened, Cole?” Mr. Sampson asked, giving him a hard look. I noticed Cole glance at me for a moment and give his uncle a meaningful look back. Mr. Sampson looked at me for a moment before giving a slight nod of his head. I scrunched my eyebrows together. What was going on?

“Well I’ll tell you what I told Logie – which is definitely the truth – I was running from a… dog… and then just kept running. When I saw the cliff, I didn’t really have time to think about it I just sort of jum—fell. Next thing I remember hitting the water pretty hard. It really hurt, by the way. I managed to wedge my hand into a rock, and the next thing I know, I wake up with Logie and her friends surrounding me. She and her friend gave me CPR and she helped with my head a little,” he gestured toward the white gauze wrapped around it, “She took me to the hospital and waiting while I was getting treated. She offered to drive me home but, I didn’t quite know my way back here from Honolulu and I had lost my phone in the water and her phone was dead. So she decided to just let me stay at her house for the night. That’s where I called you guys from last night. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you then; I just didn’t want to worry you.” Cole finished, looking down almost sadly.

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