Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 7

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Cole and I sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments and my thoughts began to wander. I thought back to just a few hours ago, when I was saving a complete stranger (who's side I had hardly left since). 

I didn't expect to feel connected to him in any way, shape or form. Even though it's actually only been a few hours, it feels like it's been months. Now, I can hardly picture him leaving. It would be too weird for him to just leave and I never see him again. Hopefully, he feels it too. I know it's silly but, it almost feels like, suddenly, he's my best friend, like I could talk to him about anything. I wouldn't, though. I don't want someone I'll probably rarely talk to after this to know everything about me. It would make me think about him too much. 

He actually is a really nice guy, even though he's a huge jerk. I bet he's a player. That's why he doesn't have a girlfriend. He's the 'hit and run' kind of guy. Why was he flirting with me though? I can't be his type. He probably bangs "gorgeous" girls with fake everything. I guess it just comes naturally to him, hitting on every girl he meets. Not that I blame him, it must be too easy for him to have girls wrapped around his finger, being so insanely hot. So, naturally he would take advantage of that. He probably was just taking interest in me because I acted immune to his charm. Or because I saved his life...  

Whoa. Why do I care? I had to stop think about this. He isn't interested in me. I'm just the bitch that he's stuck with.  

A wave of confusion washed over me. What DOES he think about me? Why do I care so much? 

When I pulled up to a red light, I peeked over at him. I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned body before I looked up at his face. He was staring out the window with a very pensive look. His eyebrows were ever-so-slightly squished together and he was biting his lip a bit. Oh gosh, those lips. They're kind of perfect. Full -- but not in a girlish way. They go amazingly with that strong lined jaw. Oh great, now I'm gawking, maybe drooling, at them. Shit! The light's probably green! 

Sure enough, it was. I hit the pedal before the people behind me could get even more annoyed, blushing furiously. I could feel my facing becoming a bright scarlet, like a McDonald's happy meal box. I heard a soft chuckle.  

"You know, you really should pay attention while you're behind the wheel of a car. I know it's hard to resist staring at my beautiful face, but you really must be more considerate to your fellow drivers." he snickered. 

My face impossibly reddens further. "Shut up." I mumbled, back-handing him in the chest while keeping my eyes locked on the road.  

"It's okay. The only reason I noticed you were staring was because I was about to start staring at you. Well, either that or I felt your drool oozing on me." 

I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my blush from creeping up on me again.  

"I don't drool. Especially, not over guys with crutches." 

"Hmmm... Does that mean when I'm off my crutches, you'll be drooling over me?" I could hear his smirk. 

"I highly doubt it. And you’re assuming we'll see each other then." I frowned, still not liking the thought of not seeing him. 

"Aha! That means you aren't denying the possibility of salivating after me. And I certainly hope we'll see each other... Messing with you is way too much fun." He laughed. I hit him again. 

"Ow. Seriously, don't you think I've gotten enough damage for one day?" 

I shrugged. "If I did, I wouldn't be hitting you now, would I?" He laughed. "There's another reason you're not getting rid of me, why you'll still see me." He said, matter-of-factly. 

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