Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 5

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"Helloo? Cole you kind of have to tell me where I'm going." I said after he didn't answer my question. We had sat in silence for a few minutes until I pulled up to a stop sign, and realized I didn't know where I was going. "Cole there's a car behind me. Where am I going?"

"Uh... I... Um... Can... Can I borrow your phone?" he asked, with an odd expression on his face that I couldn't quite place.

"What do you not know where you live or something?" I joked. When he didn't respond, I turned right and drove into the nearest parking lot and parked. I turned to look at him. He tried to avoid my gaze but eventually he looked back at me with a sheepish look.

"Oh my gosh, you really don't know where you live? Wait, you don't live here do you? You're just a tourist!" I said disbelievingly.

"Uh, no I'm not a tourist, but uh, I recently moved in with my Aunt and Uncle and I just don't know my way back from here yet." He stated trying to hide how embarrassed he was. I looked at him. His chocolate brown hair came down to just above his eyebrows which were slightly squished together. The hospital had given him a new shirt to wear, since his old one had been ripped open. His new shirt was a dark green that brought out his gorgeous eyes. When I noticed his cheeks were starting to look like tomatoes, I couldn't help it, I just laughed.

Once I started laughing, I couldn't seem to stop. The reality of the situation just hit me. Here I was, sitting in a car with an extremely hot guy whose life I saved a few hours ago, trying to be a good person and drive him home, and he didn't even freaking know where that was!

When I came to the point of tears, I started trying really hard to stop laughing but every time I tried another wave of laughter would hit me. When I finally got myself to breathe and stop laughing, I notice that Cole is laughing at me for laughing so hard.

"Shut up! You're the one who doesn't know where he lives!"

"I'm sorry but watching your snort storm over there was highly amusing." he chuckled.

"I do not snort!" I tried to scoff but it came out more like a shriek.

"Of course you don't, Logie." he smirked.

"Stop. Calling. Me. That." I half growled.

"Oh, feisty!" I just glared. "Fine, fine just let me borrow your phone so I can call my aunt and get directions."

"Don't you have your own?"

"Um, it kind of found its watery grave."

"Right. Fine well just make it fast; my battery is dying." I said as I reached for my bag and started digging around in it for my phone. When I found it, I pulled it out just to watch it die.

"Shit..." I muttered.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Let me think, because I'm such a wonderfully nice person, I'm in the city, in a freaking McDonald's parking lot after sitting in the hospital for three hours, on the first night of my winter break, stuck with an idiotic jerk who doesn't even know where he freaking lives! And on top of all that, my freaking phone is dead!" I yelled. First a fit of laughter, now a fit of rage, what's next? Being overly cheerful? Gosh, I hope not.

After sitting in silence for a moment, we both started to speak at the same time, "I'm sor-" we both started to say. "You first." Cole said. "Look, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. You're having a bad enough day as it is and I shouldn't make it worse. I guess I'm just a little frustrated." I sighed.

"Are you kidding me? You have every right to yell at me if you want. I would be having a much worse day if it weren't for you, because I would be dead. All you've been is kind and I've just been a jerk and an idiot. You wouldn't being having such a horrible day if I could just stay out of trouble. I'm so sorry, Logan. You just go home. I'll figure something out." he said, sounding sincerely upset. He grabbed his crutches and started to get out the car, but I stopped him.

"Cole, stop. You can't just walk around the city in that condition. You know what, how about you just come back to my place and stay there for tonight and we can figure it out in the morning, okay?" I smiled.

"No, Logan. You've done enough for me already; I can't let you do that."

"Well you don't have a choice. You're coming home with me so get over it. But right now, I reeeally have to piss, so I'll um, be right back. Don't go anywhere." I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

"You are the most persistent and stubborn person I have ever met." he chuckled.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I said smiling, right before I jumped out of the car.

So, unfortunately, this chapter isn't much longer than the last one... I'm considering combining them, but that might confuse people... Let me know if I should or not :/

Comment,Vote&Fan if you like it, if not, then don't! Well even if you don't like it I'd still like you to comment and tell me why. 

Thanks so much for reading!   ~Lindsey <3

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