Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 1

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~ Dedicated to lillybean because she was the first to comment... That and she's really my sister. She created the account without me knowing, just so she could comment and give me feedback which I was desperate for at the time. Plus, she was a big part of my inspiration to start writing! ~

Anyway, this is my first story, I really hope it isn't terrible! Comment, vote and fan if you like it! Thanks for reading it and I'd love to hear what you think!(:

~Fighting the Waves~

"Bye guys! I'll be back in a few hours! Don't burn the house down or anything!"

I grabbed my board and keys and ran out the door. After quickly strapping my green and white surf board to the roof of my RAV4, I slid in. Driving to a quiet beach out of the city that my friends and I go to whenever we all can, I turned on the radio and rolled down the windows. The cool winter breeze blew through my long red hair, making it dance around my head. 'Haven't Met You Yet' by Michael Buble came on so I turned it up almost as loud as it could go and sang along at the top of my lungs. Let's just say I got quite a few amused stares.

I parked in my favorite spot, right under a huge hibiscus tree, and got out of my car. As I was getting my board off the top, I saw my friends walking up out of the corner of my eye.

"Lo!" My best friend Valerie called. She had her shoulder-length blonde hair pulled back and was carrying her colorful board. Behind her walked: Bailey, Catherine, Jamie, Parker and Greg; my surfing group.

We'd all been friends since elementary school' except for Jamie who moved here two years ago from Canada.

We adopted him into our group, taught him to surf, and he's now nearly as good as the rest of us.

"Hey, Val! Sorry I'm late, guys. Dad needed me to watch the twins." They nodded, understanding.

"You know, you could've called us to come watch them with you. We wouldn't have minded," Jamie informed me with a smile.

I laughed, "Jamie, I'm only ten minutes late. Ethan was flirting with some girl at work, as always, and got home late --- again. Besides, I only had to watch them for an hour."

He shrugged, grinning sheepishly, "Well, I feel like it's been forever since we really hung out."

I rolled my eyes, "We went to the movies last week."

Greg cut in, "Well, did you ever think that, maybe, Jamie is just looking for an excuse to see Ethan?" He joked, wagging his eyebrows.

The rest of us laughed. Catherine's silent giggle was buried under my belting. Jamie punched Greg in the arm --- hard. That only made everyone laugh harder.

"Well I for one really want to hang out with the twins. They make kick-ass forts..." Parker always seemed to be embracing his inner-child.

"We'll have a movie night soon, I promise," I told them with a grin.

"Okay well you're here now, so let's hit the waves!" Bailey said after a moment of silence, her violet eyes blaring with competitiveness.

Within seconds we were all sprinting for the water, boards under our arms. Greg and Bailey, of course, had to make it a race. They were neck -in -neck until the last second, but Bailey splashed into the water ahead of him with a victory cry. I laughed; Bailey always knew how to make me smile.

After an hour or two of hard-core competition with my friends, I was sitting on my board looking at the water beneath me. Most of the time I do this whenever I go surfing and spend a few minutes thinking about my mom. My friends have always respected this and left me be during these moments.

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