Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 9

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My eyes shot open when I heard "Sick Little Games" by All Time Low blaring from my phone. After a moment of disorientation, I sat up and reached for my charging phone. Just as I picked it up, it stopped ringing. The screen told me I had nine missed calls. Three from Bailey, two from Val, two from Jamie, one from Catherine and one from work.  

All the calls from my friends had been last night except for one of Bailey's about half an hour ago. Work is the one that had just called so I quickly called back. 

"Hello?" my boss, George, answered. 

"Hey George. You called?" I asked. 

"Logan! Daniella and Ryan are both sick and Penny's mother is in the hospital, I'm desperate. I know you asked off for this week, but do you think you could come in today?" He really did sound desperate.  

I sighed, "Uh. Sure, George. What shift?" 

"Umm. Do you think you could come from 3 'till closing?" He asked hesitantly. He knew I didn't like working night shifts. I sighed again. 

"Sure thing, George. I'll see you then." 

Normally, I work at the Polynesian Cultural Center after classes because it's right next to my university. I'm big on spending time with my family during the holiday's so I take the breaks off whenever I can.  

I work in a gift shop. I actually enjoy it most of the time. A lot of people hate tourists, and don't get me wrong I often do too, but I do enjoy seeing all the different kind of people from all over the world. Although, we get many Japanese tourists. This is why I took four years of Japanese in high school and took it my freshman year of college. I didn't take it this year because I wanted to focus on classes that had more to do with my major. I have always loved the ocean and animals, so I really want to be a marine biologist.  

Ugh. It's the beginning of my winter break! The last thing I want to be thinking about it school and work!  

I picked my phone back up and noticed I also had a bunch of texts. I opened up one of the five I got from Bailey.  

-Looooooooo. Dude! Answer your freaking phone! I want the details on what happened with HotStuff. Call me! SOON.- 

HotStuff? OH SHIT! Cole! 

After sending a text to Val, Bailey, Jamie, and Cat saying that my phone had been dead last night and I'd fill them in later; I jumped out of bed and bolted down the stairs. I ran into the living room to find the couch folded back up and everything looking normal. I scratched my head and walked toward the kitchen when I heard voices and smelled bacon. I may love animals and wish I was a vegetarian, but bacon is half the reason I'm not. I could live off the stuff.  

I cautiously sauntered into the kitchen seeing my dad sitting on the counter while Cole was standing on the other side of the stove with the bandaged hand resting on the counter and his crutches supporting him. He was making scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. I stood there with my mouth hanging open for a solid minute before either of them noticed me. In fact, the only reason they did notice me was because Harry and Evan came running into the room complaining that it smelled like sausage and they didn't like sausage. 

"Morning, Child 1, 4 and 5." My dad grinned. 

"Good morning, Parental Unit." I chuckled. I looked over at Cole who was smirking at me. "What?" 

"Nice PJs, Logie. And I must admit, you look pretty hot with bed-head." I could feel my cheeks flare as I glanced down at what I was wearing. I had on my Harry Potter boxer shorts with little brooms and snitches and a big T-Shirt that was almost longer than them and said, "I got Lei'd in Hawaii". I tried running my fingers through my hair, but somehow my hand managed to get stuck in the rat's nest.  

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