Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 15

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~Dedicated to pickllles because she is the best twin ever! And you should definitely go check out her story Mending Heart. It's as awesome as she is :) ~

I forced my eyes open. They didn't want to. I was in that place between being completely asleep and awake. But it felt like I'd only been asleep for a few minutes.  

Once my eyes were open, I noticed three things. One - I actually hadn't been asleep very long. Only for about an hour or so. Two - my phone, which was on silent, was lighting up on my bed side table. And Three - something was repeatedly bouncing against my window. 

I grab my phone and answered it as I stared at my window, trying to figure out what was hitting it. 


"Finally! I was beginning to think I would actually have to go inside to get you. But I really didn't want to face your wrath in person for waking you up." Cole's voice responded. 

"Then why did you?" I groaned, "Wait, how did you know I was asleep?" 

"I guessed. I mean you barely got any sleep last night and you've been at work all day."  

He was right. Everyone had spent the night last night, but we didn't end up sleeping until about five in the morning, and I had to wake up at eight to get ready for work. I got home around five and was dead on my feet. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. Now, it was a little past six o'clock.  

"And I ask again, why the hell did you?" Before he could answer, I cut him off, remembering the thing that was bouncing off my window. "Wait a sec, are you throwing something at my window?" 


"What are you throwing?" I asked. 

"Rocks, of course." he said with a hint of sarcasm, "Rupunzel, Rupunzel, let down your fine hair." 

I snorted, "No. Really, what are you throwing?" 

"The tennis ball I found in your front yard. I think it's Drew's; it's kind of gross." he responded. 

My eyes widened and I scurried to my window. Sure enough, there was Cole, leaning against his car holding his phone in one hand while using the other to throw a tennis ball against my window and catch it. When he saw me, he gave me a little wave with the hand that was holding the ball before tossing it up towards me once more. For I split second, I thought I would be able to catch the ball until I remembered the window. 

"You idiot!" I yelled, "You could break my window or something!" 

"Relax, Rupunzel. I'm not gonna break your precious window. I'm hardly tossing the thing." I could hear the eye-roll in his voice. 

I grumbled and flicked him off. He laughed. 

"Why are you here, anyway? Do you just love not allowing me any sleep?" 

I saw him grin sheepishly, "Sorry about that, Logie." 

I sighed, "What do you want, Cole?" 

"I'm hungry." I groaned.  

"Then get something to eat! Why the hell are you waking me up?" I shouted. 

"Because, I really want buffalo wings." 

"And what on earth does that have to do with me?" I asked, slightly aggravated. 

"'Cuz, Isaac and Tamara took Claire to see some kids' movie and Carson is at a friend's house." he complained. 

"So you're saying that you, a twenty-year-old man, are incapable of getting food on your own?" I smirked, mildly amused. 

"No! I just really want to go to Buffalo Wild Wings, because they're the best and I haven't has them in ages. But the only one is in the city, and I didn't want to go all by my lonesome." he pouted. 

"You want me to go all the way to Honolulu with you, just so you can have good buffalo wings?"  



"Aw, come on! Logie, please?" he begged. 

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Fine. But you're paying for me." 

I saw him fist pump the air. "Sure thing. You're the best, Logie!" 

The corners of my lips tugged upward, "Yeah, yeah. But you owe me one. " 

"I'm paying for your dinner, aren't I?"  

I didn't say anything. I just crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows as I looked down at him.  

He raised his hands up in surrender. "Okay, alright. I owe you one." 

I laughed. "Just get me like five minutes or so to change and stuff, and then we can go." 

"Okay. Thanks again, Logie."  

I hung up the phone with a grin on my face.

So... Yeah. I'm a terrible awful person! I am soooo sooooo sooooo sorry for not posting for so incredibly long. And sorry that this chapter sucks. It's really short and just filler. But I figured that after six months, it was better than nothing. I promise to upload again soon! After writing this, I remembered how much I missed it. I know I've made a ton of weak promises before, but this one is legit. I WILL upload in the next few days! I swear. But thank you so much to all of you who didn't leave. It really means a ton <3

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