Fighting the Waves ~ Chapter 11

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“You didn’t seriously say that did you?” I laughed. Cole was reclined in the passenger’s seat of my car with his feet propped up on the dashboard and un-injured hand behind his head. As many times as I had asked or threatened him to take his feet down, he had just laughed at my attempts and made an excuse about having to keep his leg propped up. He was going on about some crazy story about how he once was kicked out of Disney Land.

He seemed so cool and relaxed. He acted liked he owned the place and as though we’d been friends forever. Our conversation flowed so naturally, just like a billion year-old river. It amazed me every time I thought about it. Ever since the accident, I’d been nervous around people I didn’t already know. Jamie was the only person since my mother’s death that had become a genuine friend who I hadn’t known beforehand. The only reason I ever really accepted him, was because my friends had adopted him into our lives and I couldn’t exactly just shun him. Even then, it was nearly a year before I really gave in to him.

It took a lot for me to let people in, yet here Cole was. He’d shot into my life like a bullet ricocheting off of a metal lamp post and into an already broken window. But somehow, when the bullet went through the window, the window didn’t feel quite so broken anymore; it felt the hope of being repaired someday.

“Logie? Logieee? LOGIE?” It wasn’t until Cole had gotten less than a centimeter from my ear to scream in it, that I finally snapped out of my thoughts. Though, his brilliant idea did cause me to jump and swerve the car slightly. Jeez, driving with him is dangerous. Then again, that’s probably my fault considering my brain tended to go into overdrive around him.

This time, snapping out of my thoughts on my own, I shot him a glare, “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to yell at somebody while they’re driving?” I snapped.  

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that it’s rude to completely zone out while somebody’s in the middle of a totally epic story?” He teased.

Damn, I thought as no good comebacks came to mind. So I just turned my head to him and little and grinned sheepishly. “Can you look at the map and tell me where the turn is? It should be somewhere around here…” I trailed off. Looking around, I felt like I was in the wrong place. Before we had left the house, I printed of a Google Map from my house to his Aunt and Uncle’s. It was in an area I had been before, so I new the general way there and this road didn’t seem very familiar.

“Oh, right! That’s why I was yelling at you. You missed the turn while you were blanking out.” He stated simply with a cheeky grin.

I groaned and gotten in a different lane so that I could make a U-turn. “You’re impossible, you know that?”

“Yep. That’s why you love me,” He smirked, “And I’m not always impossible,” He continued, pausing. “For example, if say a girl with pretty red hair and amazing blue eyes whose name rhymed with ‘Rogie’ wanted to get in my pants, I’d hardly be impossible. In fact, I think I would be very ‘possible’” The last word he leaned in and whispered into my ear huskily. I could feel his warm breath sear my neck and the stubble on his chin tickled my ear lobe. I had a feeling that if I looked at my arms, they’d be covered in goosebumps. I took a moment to focus on the road. I gulped a little as I tried to battle the redness that was trying to worm its way onto my cheeks.

After the few seconds of controlling myself, I looked at him and gave him a once over. I smirked at him and shrugged. “Sorry, Sweetie. Even if my name did rhyme with ‘Rogie’, I wouldn’t want to touch those pants” I paused and he started to say something before I cut him off “- or anything inside of them.”

“I wasn’t talking about you, BabyCakes. I meant this hot chick Hogie.”  He said with his face and tone flat and serious.

But I giggled, “Ho-gie?” I couldn’t help the massive grin from taking over my face.

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