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"so, how's this strike thing gonna work?" Asked Lilly as she on Jack's bed with her arms crossed. She had snuck off to Manhattan as soon as she had finished selling. Usually, Lilly could run off to Manhattan without any problems but lately, as she has been trying to persuade Spot into joining the strike, the King of Brooklyn had Hot Shot and Felix keep an eye on her, making sure she won't run off. Unfortunately for them, Lilly has successfully snuck off to Manhattan.

"does Spot know yer here?" Jack asked, ignoring Lilly's question about the strike.

"well, no... but he ain't need ta. I'm here to join the strike." Lilly replied confidently.

"did Spot agree to the strike?"

"no but I'm gon' join it myself."

Lilly's statement resulted in a loud sigh from Jack. "Lilly-"

"who says I has ta join alongside'a Brooklyn, huh? Who says I can't join myself?"

"I do." Jack firmly answered.

However, Lilly ignored his answer. "I agree wit' you Jackie. I want our voices heard and I'm tired of bein' treated like dirt!"

"Lilly, this strike can easily turn inta somethin' dangerous and we's prepared for it. But you can get hoit an' I can't let ya get hoit, ya know that." Jack informed and sat beside her on his bed. "and what would Spot do if I let my little sistah and his best friend get hurt?"

"but I can 'fend for myself! I'll have ya know I walk ovah here myself whenever ya ask to see me."

"this is different, ya heard what happened wit' the trolley strike! Three people died from that fire!" Jack argued, immediately realizing that he had raised his voice. "I- look, I'm sorry Lilly. Unless we got the nod from Brooklyn, ya aren't involved in the strike, alright?"

"but that ain't fair!"

"I'm sorry, I ain't make the rules."

"wha- yes you do!" Lilly rebutted, standing up quickly. "Jack, I believe in this. I believe in what yer standin' up for! I-"

"I'm sorry, Lil. I can't risk it." Jack apologized, looking down at his hands.

"but what if y'all never get Spot's approval?"

"then ya can't be involved in the strike at all."

"this ain't fair, I'm my own person ya know!" Lilly protested and begun to storm out of the room. "I thought ya wanted more newsies ta be part of the strike!"


"an' here I am, offering ta be part of it and you say no?!" The brunette interrupted, starting to get angry. "this is stupid! Ya know, ain't no one gon' agree to yer little strike unless ya get the nod from us!"

"and what do ya want me to do with that information, huh?" Jack sassed, crossing his arms.

"I- I... uugh!" Lilly turned around and stormed out of the bunk room and out of the lodging house.

"I cares about ya more than anyone, Lilliana." Jack whispered to himself, looking at the opened door. "I've been doin' everything just ta stop ya from getting hurt and I'll continue to do so."

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