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Spot was hopeful that Lilly wouldn't go to Manhattan the next morning for the strike. He hoped that she would finally listen to him. She didn't understand that all she had to do was wait to see if Jack and his newsies are serious about this. If Spot saw that they were being serious, he and Brooklyn would join the strike.

And it's all going to be determined the next day.

When everybody was fast asleep, Spot climbed back into the bunk room. Before going to bed himself, he walked around the room checking on the newsies. He tucked a couple of younger newsies in and gave them a little pat on their heads. He then fixed M.C's head back onto his pillow, which was basically hanging off of the bed.

When he reached his and Lilly's bunk, he brushed some hairs away from her face. "please just wait one more day." He whispered to her and tucked her in. He then climbed up onto his own bunk above her's and with a deep breath, he closed his eyes. He really hoped that Lilly would listen to him.

✧༝┉˚*❋ ❋*˚┉༝✧

Lilly did not listen to him.

The next morning, she woke up before the sun even rose and headed to Manhattan. She didn't have to sneak out through the fire escape after what happened the night before, she knew that Spot wouldn't stop her.

The sun was just starting to rise when Lilly reached the bridge. It was still dipped in the water, slowly floating up and painting the sky a mix of oranges and yellows. She admired sunrises. She loved waking up early and sitting on the fire escape, watching the sky turn into different colours until it finally turned to blue. It was the most relaxing part of her days, which was both beautiful but depressing at the same time. When she got to newsie square in Manhattan, everybody was gathered deep in conversation.

"Queens will be right behind us," Specs told Jack, who let out a sigh of relief. "... as soon as we get the nod from Brooklyn." He disclaimed, earning groans from the other newsies.

"way ta bring our hopes up!" Elmer complained and crossed his arms, pouting.

"they gave me the same fish eye in Midtown." Race added with an eye roll. He then popped a cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a spare match that sat in his pocket. "remind me ta get new matches."

As Lilly approached the crowd, Albert caught her from the side of his eye.

Hey. She mouthed as she waved at the redhead, who smiled and walked up to her.

"well well, looks like we got the nod from a part of Brooklyn." He stated as he approached her. "King of Brooklyn let ya come?"

Lilly hesitated. "uhh... kind of?"

Albert furrowed his eyebrows. "what's that supposed ta mean?"

"me and Spot um... kind'a got into a fight last night." Lilly told him and hung her head. She felt horrible about the night before. She was aware that her stubbornness was one of her biggest weaknesses, but she couldn't get rid of it. If she wasn't so hard headed, maybe Spot would let all of Brooklyn join and she realized that she blew it for all of New York.

"'bout what?"

"the strike; he found out I tried ta join it myself an' he told me I can't come here without his or Jack's permission."

"then why are ya here?"

"uhhh..." Lilly hesitated with widened eyes. Before she could give a verbal response, Albert started to laugh while shaking his head.

"ya snuck out, didn't ya?"

"not exactly, it's- um com-"

"Lilly!" Race called and ran to the two. He then grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the front of the group. Before she could get far, she swiftly grabbed a hold of Albert's arm, dragging him with her.  "how's this for Brooklyn, huh Jackie boy!" She held Lilly's hand up in the air, resulting in a burst of mumbles and murmurs among the newsies behind them.

"that a girlsie?"

"a Brooklyn girlsie!"

"if she's all we's can get from Brooklyn, we's dead." Finch mumbled to Elmer which caught Lilly's attention. Without a word, she rolled her eyes and yanked herself out of Race's grip.

"ya just don't listen, do ya?" Jack said with a laugh and approached her. "what did Spot say?" He asked softly.

"somethin' along the lines of go play Jack's little game an' such." She quipped, causing another burst of mumbles. She looked around at the newsies who were complaining and murmuring.

"come on!" Mush complained.

Once again, although quiet, Finch's voice was heard most among the group. "what's she really doin' here?"

"this a joke ta 'er?" Elmer mumbled to Jojo.

"it ain't, I know her." Jojo replied and pushed his way to the front where Lilly and Jack were. He then draped an arm around his childhood friend. "contrary ta popular belief, Lilly here is the second best newsie from Brooklyn that we's can evah get!" He announced.

"yeah, she's Spot Conlon's best friend." Race added. "she's the closest newsie we's will evah get ta Spot."

Jack nodded in agreement as he decided to let Lilly help out with the strike. If she was literally the only person who Spot would listen to, maybe she could convince him to let Brooklyn join. "yeah- yeah, an' if y'all really know Brooklyn, y'all will know that they's always have anotha Brooklyn newsie's back. That right, Lilly?" She nodded in response.

"so does that mean we gots Brooklyn?" Specs wondered with hope glimmering in his eyes. Everybody looked at Lilly for an answer.

"we- well not officially, no. But if we's show not jus' Brooklyn, but all of New York that we won't back down from a fight, then there's a chance that every borough will back Manhattan up!" Instead of mumbled and conversations of disapproval this time, Lilly's words brought encouragement and hope to the Manhattan newsies.

Jack turned to face Davey, who had a wide grin on his face. "so Dave, what now?"

"now is the time to seize the day."

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