Chapter 2: Late scapegoat

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                               [The Sheriff]

A loud buzz emanated through the room, Sheriff forced his eyes to open into the dim light of his room. Clothes, books and various bullets were strewn across the floor, slowly he pushed himself up enough to see the clock sitting just next to his bookshelf reading 2:41.
"Who the hell calls a meeting at 2 in the morning?" He complained groggily, then it clicked,
"Oh fuck! I'm gonna be late!" Jumping up from the barely sheet-covered mattress, he grabbed the nearest shirt and pulled it on, knocking over the small trinkets on his nightstand to grab his hat and bandana. Rushing to the door, he forced his boots on, not bothering to tie them and grabbed his jacket as he raced out the door.

Sheriff ran through the corridors, almost slipping as he rounded a rather sharp corner and taking the time to struggle into his brown leather jacket while he ran towards the meeting room.
'Shit, shit, shit, what's my excuse for being late?' He stumbled both at the thought and over one of his untied laces, barely keeping himself upright as he slammed into the doors, hoping he wasn't too late. He faltered to a stop in his run, almost falling straight into the table in front of him, he decided on a whim it would be best to try and play it off, especially since a meeting at this time can only be important.

"Mornin' folks.." he felt intimidated by the two figures, both looking directly at him
"So.. What're we discussin'-"
"What's your excuse?" The Auditor cut him off, dead-toned, realising Auditor had no patience for sugar coating, he struggled in finding a reasonable excuse.
"I- well I uh.. I was... in the bathroom?" Sheriff suggested, kicking himself for making it seem more as a question. Auditor gave a small grumble, but didn't seem to have the intent on questioning further
'thank god'
He almost let himself laugh in relief, but he kept up his persona and took a seat halfway up the table.

"As I was about to say." The auditor continued, Sheriff almost winced at the reminder he'd interrupted the meeting.
"I believe I have a plan to keep Hank and his companions from bothering us any longer." Sheriff sat up slightly
'Keeping those 3 from causing more trouble? What could possibly work to take them all down?'
He considered asking his question aloud, though decided it would be better to listen.
"If we capture them, and can keep them contained, they cannot bother us. Furthermore if need be, it will be easier to kill them if they are restrained."

Sheriff pondered this plan, before finding a possible flaw,
"Auditor, if I may?" He asked, deciding this would contribute into the plan. The Auditor gave him a nod, and he forced his nerves to go away before resuming.
"We can have a trap set and it might be inescapable, sure, but how will we get them there in the first place?" He questioned, hoping this wasn't already discussed between Auditor and Jebus
'last thing I need is looking like a fool.'
Auditor stayed quiet for a second, confirming to Sheriff that this hasn't been discussed yet.

"I believe I have a solution to that" Jebus piped up from across the table, Sheriff turned his attention from Auditor to Jebus, feeling the usual dread of looking at Auditor slightly fade. "And what may it be?" He heard Auditor ask from the head of the table. Jebus hesitated, seeming to think of how to present his idea 'looks like he's just as nervous about this meeting as I'
Thought Sheriff.
"I doubt we could capture one, even if by themselves they are all major threats, so instead we'll need someone working with them to lure them into the trap."
"A traitor among them?" Questioned Auditor, "But none of the three would ever migrate to our side, how would we convince any to help us?"

Sheriff looked back over to Jebus, from their slight fidgeting he could tell Jebus had no ideas left to offer.
'Someone to lure them into the trap..' he forced himself to think over this, whether he and Jebus liked each other or not Auditor scared the everloving crap out of both of them, it was up to them to keep the other from messing up and turning into The Auditor's next target.
"If you have no ideas left to contribute, perhaps you have another way the idea you proposed could work." Auditor stated, subtly letting Jebus and Sheriff know his patience was run thin.

"Auditor, I think I have something!" Sheriff blurted out, instantly regretting the position he put himself in. The Auditor made no moves to either say he could or couldn't speak
'god I wish we had water for this one'
He found himself thinking as he prepared to bullshit his way out of this.
"So, none of them would ever consider joining our side, right?" He asked, the room falling into dead silence, he swept the sweat off his forehead, staging it to seem as he was just moving his hair out the way.
"But what if we were to... uh..." he stopped, out of ideas. Noticing the Auditor lean forward he knew that he had no time left to think.
"What if someone from our side managed to uh.. to find their way into their group? And they... they we're able to... lure them into the trap..?" He felt stupid after hearing his train of thought out loud,
'no way Auditor would consider that, it's too damn risky of a move.'

Sheriff was shocked when Jebus supported them on the idea
"Of course! If we can get someone who is fully loyal to us and get them onto their side, they could easily lead them into the trap!" Jebus exclaimed, seeming out of breath. The room fell back into silence, Sheriff held his breath and didn't dare move
'He's going to kill us, this plan is ridiculous, why did I have to say something?'
He found his thoughts moving at a million miles per hour, as he waited for any sort of reaction from The Auditor.

"Very well." The Auditor said simply, Sheriff broke his posture and forced himself to breathe again
'Dear god, this has been the scariest meeting since Hank first became a problem to us.'
At the other side of the table he noticed Jebus had done the same, though he hid it much better.
"In fact, I already know the perfect candidate for the mission." Auditor said, almost sounding like he'd cheered up.
"That's.. great, Sir, whose your lucky candidate?" Sheriff asked, feeling light-headed from the tension.
"You, sheriff."

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