Chapter 49

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Check for a pulse. Check the IV. Check for fever. So far, everything was fine. He hoped so, anyway.

Hank was lying motionless, the only indication of life present in Sheriff's half hour checks. It was nerve wracking to be expected to pull off this responsibility, and toward someone who'd tried killing him so many times over.

Regardless, if this was what his mission needed, so be it. This was twice now he'd helped Hank recover from deathly ailments, he'd be surprised at best if Hank didn't at least respect him by now.

Still, even if he didn't particularly like him, it was still nerve wracking being in charge of the wellbeing of someone so vulnerable. So many things could go wrong. And so quickly! Would he even have the time to call for help before it was too late?

Sheriff shook his head. It was alright. 2B was just two rooms away. He'd know what to do. But what if it wasn't enough time still?

Sheriff shook his head again. He was just being paranoid. What were the chances of Hank suddenly dying with no explanation? It would be obvious if it were happening. Not that it would happen!

Sheriff stifled a yawn. He needed sleep. He was only so anxious because he was tired. That's what he hoped it was, anyway.

Actually, he hadn't really been on edge for a while. Relaxing was nice, but he feared it was making him less resilient to stress. This would've been nothing at all a month ago, compared to the other things on his mind, at least. Now the idea of letting Hank of all people die was making him anxious. It wasn't normal.

Well, at least him enjoying everyone else's company would seem genuine. But maybe he was letting it get too genuine. After all, the trap wasn't far. All he had to do was lead them to it. Maybe it was in his best interest to start distancing himself a bit.

But... The thought of becoming suddenly cold to the other two felt like a punch in the gut. They didn't deserve that! They wouldn't understand why, and after everything they'd think his distancing was just him letting a mask slip. It wasn't though, he did like them! It just wasn't in his cards to really enjoy their company much longer.

And he'd be betraying them, for what?! His old job, working on impossible deadlines and falling behind on sleep again?

Sheriff shook his head. What was he thinking! He couldn't think ill of the agency like that! Maybe it wasn't the best work, but at least he had shelter! And food! Plus, he wasn't under threat from... He shivered as he thought about the Auditor. He still didn't know how anyone here could stand facing Auditor the way they did.

Sheriff steeled himself to the best of his ability, he had a mission to finish! But, still there lingered a threat of doubt. Was this really what he wanted?

There wasn't time to think about that, though. For a second he thought he'd imagined it, only to realise Hank was stirring. Sheriff blinked. He shouldn't be awake yet, should he?

He seemed out of it, not surprising in his condition, but he was still marvelled by the fact that Hank was awake at all. Didn't he need time to recover? Didn't he want to stay asleep with whatever pain he might be in?

After a moment, Hank spotted him, sort of. It still seemed like Hank was looking through him, but his line of sight was clear enough.

"Water." He rasped. Was this why he was awake? For water? Sheriff thought it was a little mundane, especially since the iv was meant to deal with that.

"I don't think I'm supposed to give you any..." He was sure 2B said something about not giving Hank food or water.

"Water." Hank said a little more forcefully. Sherif tensed, before a realisation hit. Hank was covered in bandages and clearly too weak to move. Why else would he be asking Sheriff to do it? Hank had no way to make him do anything.

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