Chapter 6: Injust Infiltration

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Though he knew he had made it into their group, he still couldn't shake the feeling of unease deep in his gut that came being around the three. They had all been walking for hours through the desert of Nevada, Sheriff had trailed behind the trio, every second fully expecting one to turn back and shoot him there. Normally, he would be the one to lead the conversations, however every time he considered catching up and taking part in conversation, he didn't, instead staying at the same pace he'd been taking this whole time. He knew they were talking about him, as evidence by the occasional glance back one of them would take every couple minutes.
'Keep yourself together, you got yourself in, you just need to get their trust enough to get them into the trap..'
Sheriff lowered his head to face the ground
'If you're not talking to them how are you going to gain their trust? They'll realise you're just here to betray them and kill you.'
Sheriff let out a frustrated sigh and closed his eyes, focusing on keeping his breathing steady and his pace the same,
'no, calm down, you're more likely to get yourself killed if you start acting weird, now pull yourself together and keep going.'

He opened his eyes and raised his head again, enough to see that the group ahead of him had stopped, realising they were waiting for him, he quickened his pace, hoping he hadn't kept them waiting too long. He kept his new pace consistently, even as the wind picked up again, he forced his way through it to make sure he didn't tick off any of the three anymore.

"We've always used the same strategy, what's the hold up?" Deimos complained, Sheriff felt momentary confusion,
'strategy? For what?'
He scanned along the landscape, looking for anything which might lead him to understand what they were talking about.
"Yeah, what about em?" He heard Sanford say, he zoned back into the conversation,
'did I miss something?'
After a moment of subtly looking at the three, trying to find out how they had seemingly communicated without speaking,
"Where will they go during the raid?" Hank said, Sheriff thought they had a rather intimidating voice, deep but not in a cartoonish way, and much smoother than should be allowed for a killer. The other two thought about this, and Sheriff began again trying to figure out what the conversation was about. 'Raid? Strategy?'
It took him a second to realise, after he did he realised he took too long to piece it together.

"Making them wait outside would be a waste.." Sanford began, taking their time to piece together the rest of the sentence,
"Maybe they should go with you?" He gestured to Hank, who slowly shook their head, unimpressed by the suggestion.
"Cmon, we're already a duo, besides I think you should have someone to watch your back for these things." Deimos chimed in, to a swift approval from Sanford.


Hank approached the building in fast pace, he already shot the guards at the front before they even noticed them walking to the door. He busted the metal door down, raising his gun and shooting the five men in the corridor, dropping his empty gun and grabbing onto one of the guns the dead soldiers had dropped, 'automatic..'
He ran ahead, training his focus onto the right side of the intersection, he passed the corner, spraying bullets into the corridor, turning to the left before he'd seen any of the men fall and doing the same for the other side. He dropped the gun, picking up a new one in its place, a much faster alternative to reloading. He heard Deimos and Sanford begin their way down the right corridor behind him, to which he started making him way down the left one.

He passed through many rooms and hallways, each time finishing anyone off before they could conjure the thought to shoot back. He looked behind him, Sheriff was attempting to take one of the guns scattered across the floor, to which Hank pointed the gun to them, seeing them swiftly realise and back away from the firearms. Two men rushed into the hallway behind Sheriff, Hank raised his aim at both, hitting his two shots without fail. Pressing forward without checking on his new.. "companion".
'That's what those two called it, didn't they?'
He entered one of the many rooms which were dotted across the hall, finding it had been the thing he was looking for, he entered, quickly scanning the room for a sign someone was there.
'Nobody.. good.'
He took a second scan of the room, taking in the surrounds properly. A large wooden dining table sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by three walls covered in cabinets. The door caught behind him and he turned to check who it was,
'Only The Sheriff.'
He thought, annoyed at the new addition to their group. He walked forward, checking through all the cabinets for anything that could be salvaged, to his dismay, the only things he could find was an untouched pocket of jerkey hidden in the corner of one of the otherwise empty cabinets.
'Better than nothing'
He reasoned, taking it and stuffing it in his pocket before turning around and leaving the room again, letting The Sheriff trail behind him.

The halls were filled with fallen soldiers, each surrounded by a harsh crimson red, which almost became invisible to him from the red tint of his goggles. He walked through, strange enough, the stillness of the building put him more on edge than it would if he knew it were full. He traversed around the halls, momentarily lost at some junctions while he looked around to regroup with the other half of his group. Eventually he heard a pair of footsteps running around the halls, reflexively raising his gun to the corner they came around, only to lower it when he confirmed it was Deimos and Sanford.
"Nothin' in the medical bay, how about you?" Deimos yelled from across the hall, to which he reluctantly pulled the meagre findings from his pocket as the two walked across the hall to where he stood.
"Damn, guess they cut back supply on this one." Sanford sighed, seeing the little Hank had to offer for their trouble.

The four of them wandered aimlessly through the hallways, occasionally peeking into rooms to check if they were empty. Eventually, they decided on a room around the corner from the exit, it was almost completely empty, other than debris which had collected itself in the corner.
"I'll take first watch, you three get rest." Sanford announced after they had all found their own space in the room. Hank sat opposite to the door, leaning against the wall. Despite knowing that if someone were to try and enter the room, they wouldn't last too long, yet he still felt safe knowing that the door was still in his line-of-sight.
'And then there's him.'
He thought, looking over to The Sheriff, who seemed restless despite the long day they all had.
'No, he's unarmed, even if he were it would be impossible for him to take us all out.'
Hank relaxed himself, figuring The Sheriff wouldn't try to pull something. Slowly, he let himself doze off, the shifting of darkness behind his eyelids enveloping him into sleep.

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