Chapter 34

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Hey again everyone, I'm happy to announce I'm back and better than ever (In terms of dialogue anyway)!

I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter, happy reading, and happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈


Ever since the truck had started running smoother, he and Deimos decided to try their hand at more card games, seeing as it was the only thing they had to do other than talking. So far, Sheriff was winning by a land slide, but he reckoned if Deimos had a better poker face, he could've easily given him a run for his money.

"Two of queens." Sheriff began to place his cards face down into the small pile they accumulated. The cards were stacked all over the place, mostly from the sudden bumps in the road.

"Bullshit! You got rid of those earlier." Deimos called him out, snatching the cards from him with a delighted grin. Though it quickly disappeared once he must've seen them properly. He flicked his gaze up to Sheriff's, looking down at the pile, then back up at him again, before just slowly shaking his head.

"You know the rules." Sheriff quipped, making absolutely sure he knew how much Sheriff was enjoying their almost definite loss at this point. He got an exaggerated groan in response, as Deimos began collecting the cards to put in his hand.

"This game sucks." Deimos complained, flipping around his upside down cards. "The rules are stupid."

Sheriff raised his brow, "I remember you saying this game was great a few rounds ago."

"Yeah, well... That was the normal game." Deimos began moving around the cards in his hand, likely to sort them better. "Your house rules are the worst."

Sheriff just chuckled quietly to himself, settling back while he waited for Deimos to finish setting up his deck. That's when he realised they were getting uncomfortably close to a vertical hill, that towered higher than most skyscrapers he'd ever seen, and spanned further than he could see either side. And yet, they were still going full speed with no sign of slowing down.

"Hey, Deimos, Don't you think we're getting a little close to that hill there?" Sheriff pointed at it, as Deimos turned around to see what he was pointing at. Though, he'd be surprised if he missed it, seeing as it was almost blocking out the sky at this point.

Deimos turned back around, a look of pure concern plastered over his expression. "I think we're gonna crash in a second."

Sheriff stared at him for a moment, before shuffling closer to the body of the truck, tapping on the window in the back. He got no response, nor movement from anyone, as they must've been either asleep or unconscious. Looking back up, he realised they must've had only a few more seconds before they hit it. He felt his heart stutter as he noticed they still weren't slowing down. After all this time, all this effort, this was how it was going to end?

"Get down!" Sheriff threw himself onto the floor of the cargo bed with his arms covering his head, praying that somehow, he'd survive this.

Yet, no matter how long he waited, no impact came. No crash, no sudden stops. Nothing. Hesitantly, he opened his eyes, to see they were in a tunnel of some kind. Sitting up a bit, he breathed a sign of relief, as he felt his heart rate begin to slow. Deimos, the bastard, began laughing hysterically as Sheriff looked over at him, feeling oddly betrayed, but mostly pissed off for being scared like that.

"You ass!" Sheriff spat, moving closer to smack him over the shoulder with his hat. Slowly, Deimos began to hold back on the laughter, one stutter in his rhythm at a time.

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