Chapter 20

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He couldn't believe it, after all this time... and 2B was still alive?! Part of him still couldn't comprehend that they were standing right there, last he saw an entire building fell on them, there was no way they could've survived! Yet... here they were.
"About time you three showed up." 2B said, Hank could tell they were very disappointed, and that they were in for a lecture, but he couldn't bring himself to care about that. They were alive, and they were okay! For the first time in a little while, he was actually somewhat happy.
"What the hell were you doing?! No distress signal, no death confirmation, none of you even tried to look for me!" 2B scolded, this was about to be a very long lecture. Hank considered zoning out for a while, but he respected them too much to do that, besides, he wanted to see how they'd react to Sheriff being here, he took a second to look over and glare at Sheriff. He didn't want them to have the satisfaction of knowing that he was stumped, and he wanted them to think he knew about whatever their plan was, just to make them admit something. So far though, this new strategy didn't seem to be working. Either they were too dense to notice or intentionally ignoring him.
"But... we couldn't confirm anything, you were under a bunch of concrete." Deimos explained, Hank turned his attention back to 2B, this argument only seemed to piss off 2B some more, but Hank really wasn't surprised.
"So send out a distress signal! You have a radio kit for a reason!" 2B snapped, Hank could tell they wanted to hit someone, if not someone then something, he'd noticed them get like that a few times across the entirety of the time they'd all travelled together. Yet, no matter how angry or how much others pushed them, they always refrained, which Hank could admire.
"But you said to only use it if one of us is in... fuckin'- mortal danger, or whatever it was." Deimos argued, he didn't understand why they kept trying to justify leaving.
"Oh for fuck- A collapsing building seems pretty goddamn fatal to me! Even if I'd already died, you two could have revived me!" 2B countered, Deimos seemed like they were finally done arguing, based on the look of guilt they shared with Sanford. 2B sighed in deep frustration.

"Did you two... forget, that reviving people from our team, is part of your job?" 2B said slowly, their tone shifting from anger to disappointment. Neither of them said anything, which left everyone else to take that as a "yes". Hank couldn't really blame them though, when everything happened back then he just... couldn't think, all he could do was follow the other two while they walked away.
"And you..." 2B began, now looking directly at Hank,
"Did you, also manage to forget they could do that, after being revived by them four times?" Hank, like the other two, wasn't able to answer, as much as he wanted to say something, he couldn't put into words what he wanted to say. All he could think of was a strange mix of wanting to defend himself and apologise. 2B let out a long sigh, and a few seconds of tense quiet followed, nobody daring to disturb it, lest they had a death-wish.
"I waited for D9 to save my sorry ass for this." 2B mumbled, proceeding to close his eyes and let out a long exhale.
"I want to talk to each of you individually." 2B finally said, his tone more even than previously, that sentence was nothing but a bad sign though, whenever he had to talk to them individually, it meant they fucked up very badly. They looked back at Sheriff.
"You go inside, I'll deal with you later." 2B commanded, Hank was actually surprised that they didn't bring up Sheriff before now, if they noticed they didn't seem to care.
'How the hell couldn't he?!'
Hank knew 2B, and he knew that he was particularly distrustful of people outside their quartet, so why were they acting like this wasn't a big deal?! Once again, he wondered if he was being unreasonably harsh toward Sheriff. He shot down that idea when he thought of the grunt they left alive, if they were truly loyal to their group, they would've made sure that grunt was dead. Hank took the time to glare again, he may not know much about them, but he saw how they acted with the other two, unless Hank was around he was a social butterfly, he couldn't believe that they wouldn't at least try to get 2B on his side unless they knew he would be suspicious.
"You two, wait by the door." 2B told Sanford and Deimos, who quietly did as he said.

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