Chapter 1: God's plan

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[The Auditor]

The Auditor stared at the hundreds of flat-lined soldiers on his screen, each giving off a piercing screech which only seemed to grow louder the longer he idle'd in front of his monitors. Feeling his eye begin to twitch, he swiftly removed the update from his screen, afterwards letting out a long sigh as he forced himself to stay calm.
"Let them rile you up and you'll start to think irrationally, think irrationally and they'll have an opening to destroy you." He repeated to a dark, empty room.
'Yes, stay in a state of rational thought, and nothing can harm you..' he thought, letting out another long exhale to keep control over his temper.

He slowly extended out his arm and shut off the computer, the once bright monitor stuttering into blackness and the constant hum from the fan of the pc slowing to a stop. He turned around, taking his time to walk out the room, before deciding he would speak about this issue with Jebus and the Sheriff, surely all three of them could find a solution.

As he walked through the twisting hallways of white-marbled floors and clean grey walls, he toyed with the idea of bringing Tricky into the meeting, knowing fully he'd come to the conclusion of leaving him out.

He stopped, turning to the right and placing his hand onto the handle of the door he knew was there, the door to the meeting room. He walked through the dulled wooden door, letting it slowly close by itself behind him as he walked past the large conference table.
'Why do we have so many chairs here? Barely anyone has proven worthy of these meetings'. He considered the thought, and chuckled as he remembered how the ones proven worthy had all died once he started the project.
'All except 3 that is..', his chuckle grew into a succession of laughter, as he realised one of them couldn't even be trusted with attending anymore. He sat down at the head of the table, the black leather chair hardly proving comfortable, and he slowly felt around the underside of the metal-rimmed wood table, eventually feeling a bump and pressing the button to summon his colleagues.

Jebus appeared instantly, seemingly materialising from the bright over-head lights, and quickly taking a seat halfway down the table, ready to start their business. Usually, they would wait for the other attendees first, however Auditor felt that no time was to waste.

"Hank. He has become our biggest issue in this project, even you, sheriff, and tricky have been unable to defeat him." Auditor explained, letting the room fall back into deafening silence. Jebus's eyes began to unfocus as his gaze slipped back to the table, enveloped in thought.

Naturally, Auditor took this chance to think as well, being dragged out of his thoughts once Jebus started speaking.
"This is true, any brute force we can provide cannot stop him.. But we do know he isn't fully invincible.." Jebus took a quick breath, before continuing,
"Because of this we can assume he also has limits to what he is able to destroy." Jebus stopped, looking directly at The Auditor, he thought about this, and looked back to Jesus, giving a small nod of approval.
"You may continue.." The Auditor stated, feeling intrigued with what Jebus may be implying.

Jebus took a long breath and shuffled to sit straight before continuing.
"As I've observed, I've noticed Hank is unable to destroy all objects he comes across, he still seems to be bound by natural order to being unable to destroy hard materials such as thick metals, and furthermore, anything which may be even harder to destroy." He finished. The auditor leaned back into his chair, letting his fingers reflexively tap on the smooth table as he thought.
'Of course, if we can trap Hank he can no longer impede on our plans.'

The Auditor sat back up straight, noticing the sudden movement causing Jebus to slightly flinch.
'Good, they still fear me and will stay in line.' He let the thought pass and began inhaling, piecing together how to explain his new plan for removing Hank from their position of ruining their project, when footsteps could be heard running through the hallways, the sound of steel-toed boots slamming into the distant floor.

The Auditor stopped himself from speaking, waiting until his second colleague arrived to hear the plan.
'It seems they've finally arrived, they better have a very good excuse for almost missing the most important part of this meeting.'
Both sat up straight as the footsteps echoed closer towards the door.

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