Chapter 16

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I wasn't sure what to call this one


"Hey, you mind waking Sheriff up?" Deimos asked, while he helped Sanford to their feet from where they'd been laying against the wall. He didn't reply, instead turned to walk over, quietly wincing at the pain in his ankle, he internally sighed,
'I swear, it's like we have to babysit this guy.' He thought, recalling the past couple days where they hadn't been able to get them self up on time, not to mention, since they'd arrived they hadn't done much to help out, other than sharing the absolute bare minimum of what they knew whenever it was necessary.

Hank stood in front of them, they were leaned against the wall, their hat pulled down, probably to block out the brightness of Nevada. He wondered for a second how he should get them to wake up, before shrugging it off and lightly kicking them. After the second try they finally woke up,
"Which one of you is that," Sheriff yawned, pulling their hat lower, waiting a couple seconds for a reply which never came.
"jus' give me five more minutes..." He slurred, settling back down, probably in an attempt to go back to sleep. Hank rolled his eyes,
'We don't have time for this.' He thought, getting irritated that they were becoming a little too comfortable.
"Get up." Hank hissed after waiting a minute or so, getting impatient with having to wait for them. He watched as Sheriff practically jumped out of their skin, scrambling to push their hat back up to check who it was, seeming to pale a little once they realised who they'd actually been talking to.

"Oh, Hank!.. Good morning..?" Sheriff offered meekly, clearly just trying to shrug off how they'd been not even a minute before. Hank didn't really care though, he woke them up, that's all he needed to do. He walked off, going back to join Sanford and Deimos before he ended up getting even more pissed off at Sheriff.

"Yeah- I understand, but I'll be fine, honest." Sanford reassured to a concerned Deimos, who by the looks of things, wasn't convinced. Sanford picked up on it pretty quick as well, letting out a frustrated sigh,
"C'mon Deimos, we've been through so much worse and ended up fine. How bad could this one be?" Sanford explained, Deimos still didn't seem throughly convinced, but they didn't seem very eager to argue it either.
"Alright, but the second it gets dangerous, I'm getting you out of there." Deimos declared, gesturing to the door connected to the back of the building.

'Since when has Deimos ever been the one to lead the charge?' Hank idly wondered, finding their new behaviour a little... unusual. We're they all really that desperate to find order in the group?
'Then again.. I haven't done much toward being "active" in our group lately, not to mention, without the doc here to keep us all in check...' His thoughts trailed off, finding himself getting upset over his lost friend. How did he let himself forget they'd ever existed for so long? He noticed himself getting a little too worked up,
'No, keep it together. This is the last thing we all need right now.' He scolded himself, pushing the thoughts away.

"Uhhh... Earth to Hank. You there?" Deimos asked, waving their hand in front of his eyes. Hank quickly snapped out of it,
'Shit. We're they talking to me?' He wondered, internally lecturing himself for zoning out.
"Are you ready..?" Sanford asked slowly, seemingly unsure if Hank was actually zoned back in or not. He nodded, both to signal that he was ready and that he'd zoned back in. Hank heard Sheriff walk up to just behind him, to which he felt an irrational anger toward them.
'Oh, right. I need to keep track of that one, don't I?'

Hank burst down the door, quickly shooting down two grunts before he had the chance to process the fresh aches from his ankle and ribs from the sudden collision. He regretted not letting himself heal those up properly, considering they would get in his way much more than it would've hurt his pride to admit he'd needed to rest after fighting Tricky.
'Well, too late to admit it now.' He reasoned with himself, pushing along the hallway to a fork in their path.

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