Chapter 41

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Hey everyone, I've realised the story has gotten a little dry as of late, so I'll start being a little more creative with the situations and scenarios I put the characters in.

Happy reading!


Their endeavours ended them up in a section of Nevada he'd never seen before. The ground was uneven, full of small gorges with large overhangs, and even a cave or two. Based off what Sanford told him, they were going to be raiding a testing lab. Something about altering the new clones' DNA somehow.

That radio was starting to worry him, though. If they had access to the agency files, who was to say they wouldn't find something about his reason for being here? He shook his head, feeling an old, yet familiar fear rising in his chest. There was no time for that, they didn't know yet, he just had to hurry things along a little more. It didn't help that he had hardly any communication with HQ either. He didn't even know which buildings to be keeping an eye out for!

He forced his mind to other matters as he felt his breathing become uneven, instead just trying to focus on why everyone seemed to stop so suddenly. Looking ahead, he saw nothing, and wondered what everyone was looking at.

"What's goin' on fellas?" He turned, and shivered slight as he realised he was next to Hank. For a while, things were getting calmer with him, but now, the old fear had dug itself back up, haunting him relentlessly as it came to his attention that the radio could tip them off.

"Looks a little weird up ahead." Sanford pointed, "See how it's all hazy?"

Now he pointed it out, he did see that. It wasn't the smoky or heat wave kind of hazy, though... More like rain. His eyes widened a bit as a thought crossed his mind. Was this acid rain? He'd never personally seen it, but he'd heard so many horror stories from employees about it that he promised himself to never wander far from the safe areas. So much for that, though.

"You think it's dangerous?" Since his injury, Deimos had a semi-permanent perch on Sanford's back. 2B didn't seem too happy with it, but it seemed to help their leg along with healing a little quicker, at least, they weren't in as much pain compared to if they had to walk.

"We can't know for sure..." 2B paused for a second before turning to face everyone, "Let's look for shelter. If it turn out to be nothing, we leave once we confirm it's harmless."

Everyone seemed in agreement, that was except for Hank. He didn't seem to care, though he never had any clue what was going on in that man's head. For all he knew, he could be living in a totally different world in there.

Walking along a little more, they came across a steep slope, which they all took turns sliding down until they were in the gorge. There seemed to be plenty of overhangs, which he would've been more than content settling down in if 2B hadn't put more thought into it than he did. They had no clue how long it would last, so he wanted a ledge with some space between them and the ground level.

Through the twisting gorge, which he swore they accidentally went in a circle one time, they came across a cave. It was a couple feet up from the ground, which was perfect for 2B. And Deimos mentioned wanting to try starting a fire, so whether or not he was serious there was plenty of room for activity.

"Nobody pack down yet. This is likely only temporary while deciding if outside factors are a threat or not." 2B turned and spoke to them all, glaring at Deimos in particular. Everyone murmured their agreement before settling into groups.

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