Chapter 55

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As suspected, there was no way they'd be able to sneak in through the main doors. However, they did manage to find a cellar. Lucky them.

It provided shelter well enough. Actually, it had gotten ever so slightly warmer. He assumed because snow had piled on top of the cellar doors, blocking the wind.

Whatever it was, it was certainly better than being out there.

That didn't mean he appreciated the lack of space. They were inches away from touching while lying down. Hank had never been so inclined to sleep on his side before, just for that extra distance.

"We should have enough for two days. Maybe three." Sheriff reported. He'd done his fancy wall-tapping trick to find them some supplies.

"Okay." Hank responded. Not out of want. Out of knowing Sheriff would pester him until he answered. It made him consider putting Sheriff down multiple times.

But like it or not, he was useful. He knew how to find resources, and had an idea about how to tend to wounds. Though, being at the mercy of this coward made him wish he'd paid more attention when 2B was trying to teach him to tend wounds on his own.

Oh well. As long as Sheriff stayed out of his way, he didn't really care.

Besides being annoyed by the proximity, he'd been wondering how the storm worked. Namely, if it ended at a certain location, or if it needed to be waited out.

If he walked only for it to be time-based, he'd be exhausted and low on supplies for nothing. On the other hand, if he stayed and it was location-based, he'd be low on supplies and stranded in the middle of a snowstorm.

Overall, with the options being between exhaustion and starvation, he'd take the former. He could always sleep it off once the storm was over.

So, first thing first. He'd need something to carry the supplies. Since the bag was with the others, there would be nothing concrete to help him. He'd just have to improvise.

Hank looked along the shelves that flanked him. There wasn't much. A toolbox or two, some rope, and spare mattresses stuffed into a corner. Save for the ones they'd taken out to sleep on.

Maybe he could cut out fabric from the mattresses and tie it closed with the rope somehow. But then, he'd never been good at knots. That was always Sanford's job.

Whatever the case, he'd find a way. Finding a way is what got him his reputation, and he was not going to let that go easily.

Next he needed a way to keep track of direction. Trying to leave the storm was well and good, but he'd get nowhere if he was walking in circles.

Unfortunately, there weren't really any compasses in Nevada. They all stopped working once the improbability drive turned on.

Putting down markers would be no help, since the snow would probably bury them anyway. Plus, with the limited visibility they probably wouldn't help much either way.

"Do you think we could find out how this storm works?" Sheriff asked.

"Hm?" Hank gave the only reply that he didn't need to think for. He had things to consider other than what to say in a meaningless conversation.

"I mean, if we can sneak in somehow, surely someone will know something?" Was he really suggesting trying to sneak into the building? Under these conditions?

Grunts were usually paranoid enough, but with this weather and being cooped up inside all the time, he could imagine they would be fairly difficult to hide from.

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