•God Punish Tame Impala•

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It was 7 o'clock in the morning and my head hurt like a bitch.

I had spent the whole of last night watching re-runs of Friends and the effects of lack of sleep had started to catch up with me.

"Abiola Temitope Akinyemi!" I heard my full name being shouted from down the stairs. I don't know how I have offended this woman I refer to as my mother. The way she shouts my name sometimes ehn, you'd think that I'm owing her money.

"My friend come down and eat breakfast, you have school in one hour." Her voice screeched, echoing all over the house.

I could smell the delicious aroma of the eggs and sausages she was frying and that alone was enough morale for me to walk down the stairs.

It had been one week since my family and I had moved from Nigeria to the United States.

I still remember how my father broke the news to me one faithful Sunday evening.


"Ododo mi" my father gently cooed.
Immediately I knew something was up. He only called me that when he wanted something or when I was in one of my foul moods.

"Yes daddy." I replied suspiciously with my eyebrow raised.
Deep in my heart I was a daddy's girl, and the way my father looked at me melted my heart.

"Omo mi, we're moving." He said with a sad smile on his face.
My father knew how much I loved my friends and my plans to have a perfect senior year.

"Ọkan mi, we don't have a choice. I was offered a huge deal, but good things come at a cost Abiola. I have to move, and I can't leave you or your mother."

That was how I packed my life as well as my luggage and moved to the U.S.A.


I greeted my parents with a kiss on each of their cheeks and took a seat at the table.

I was so hungry that I gobbled up everything in a matter of seconds.

I rose to wash my plate in the sink, when my mother held my hand and gestured for me to drop the plate back on the table.

"Leave it Abiola, come let us pray." She said adopting her mountain on fire prayer warrior face.

Of course prayer, I was idiot thinking I could escape morning devotion.

"Iyawo mi, make it short I have to leave in two minutes". My father said winking at me.
I smiled knowing my father didn't have to go anywhere till 8:30.

The prayer was said and my father offered to take me to school.

There wasn't a need for him to take me, the school was a 7 minute walk from the house but I accepted anyways.
It was a silent drive, but a comfortable one.

Lana del Ray's 'young and beautiful' was blasting from my father's Spotify playlist. He was her biggest fan ever and often joked that if it came to it, he'd sell Mama and I for concert tickets.

"Daddy, Tame Impala is sha better than Lana del Ray."
I said out of nowhere, choosing a fight over the silence present in the car.

"God Punish Tame Impala, you did not even find someone reasonable, like maybe Girl in Red to compare my Queen to. It's that useless Tame Impala that resembles somebody that doesn't bath." My father answered, hissing like an angry fangirl.

"I thought Mama was your queen ?" I asked laughing.

"Better don't tell her I said that oo, if not she change the Wifi password again, and it's the two of us that will suffer it together." My father said bursting out in laughter.

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