•Shit's gonna hit the fan•

132 40 39

_dedicated to MICPH0BIC , and Unusualwriter101Your comments made my day !!!_

"Fuck my life." I said under my breath as the history teacher, Mr. McGregor slammed the test paper on my desk.

It was a pop quiz and I totally hadn't studied. I was counting purely on my Hamilton addiction to get me through it.

I still didn't understand how the American grading system worked. He said something about this being 10% of our grade. In Nigeria it was completely different.
Every note, classwork, test and homework counted towards our 40 marks, we earned the remaining 60 from our end of the term exam.
But I learnt that over here they don't even write mid, or even end of term exams.

I tried to concentrate but my mind kept going back to yesterday's dream.

"Whether you announce it or not, there will be a war. But whether we will win it or not depends on how quickly you declare it."

My mind kept playing around those few words that the woman had told her husband.

What did all this mean?!

Why do I keep having recurring dreams about these two people?

"10 more minutes!" Mr. McGregor's old scratchy voice shouted from where he was standing.

Ques. 15

Who was Alexander Hamilton's first son ?

Oh, this was easy enough.

Ans : Philip Hamilton

And so it went on till the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

Thank God, because I just finished in the nick of time.

"How was the test ?" Lauren asked, walking with me out the door.

"Pretty decent, I expect an okay score." I told her casually.

"That's what you'll say and then you'll end up getting the highest marks." Lauren said, rolling her eyes.

"Your brain is like a fucking hard drive, you're just too smart." Lauren exclaimed over dramatically.

"You're not serious." I said, throwing my head back in laughter.

We waltzed into the cafeteria and I was about to follow Lauren to our usual table when I was stopped in my tracks.

The cafeteria was partitioned by a huge glass window that led to the outdoor eating hall.

Xian's pack remained indoors while Lucas and his pack dominated the outdoor hall.

It was like tradition or something.

The thing that stopped me was someone that I'd least expect waving, wait no, gesturing for me to come sit with them.

It was Quinn, and she was moving her hands like an octopus, signalling me to come over.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me in that moment. 

It was like I was forced to choose between my mate's pack and possibly my best friend's.

I could practically hear the voices.

"Where's she gonna sit?"

"Is she going to take her mate's side or
Alpha Lucas' ?"

"Why are those mutts signalling our future Luna ?"

"What's so special about her anyway? I don't see the big deal ."

Hey! That last one was uncalled for.

I didn't know what I was going to do, I saw Lucas looking at me intently waiting for me to make a move.

I was praying for the ground to swallow me until I felt a hand on my lower back.

It was Xian. I looked up and he had a small smile tugging at the corners of his rosy lips.

I still didn't understand what he was doing till he walked me outside towards Lucas' table.

I could hear the murmurs increasing but everyone collectively gasped when Xian picked out two chairs, made sure I sat down and sat on the other one.

From there on, it was silence. Nobody said a word and you could hear so much as a pin drop.

"Lucas." Xian said as he was taking hold of my lunch box.

Wait oo, see this boy!

"Xian." Lucas responded on edge. You could practically hear his teeth gnashing together.

"Hello Quinn." Xian said, looking towards Quinn with a soft smile on his lips but Quinn didn't respond.

"Damn, shit's gonna hit the fan." Jonah said in a whisper.

Instead her gaze hardened till they met mine then she smiled.

"Hey Abby, I'm sure you don't know anyone else at this table. Let me introduce you."

"Errr, sure." My voice came out, sounding as confused as I felt.

Xian took me to Lucas' table willingly ?

And now Quinn was being nice to me ?

Wo ni problem.

"This is Alec, Jonah's Beta." Quinn said chirpily, but Xian seemed to stiffen at the mention of his name. I was guessing it's because it's his father's name and Xian didn't seem to be too fond of his dad.

Alec was adorable, he had brown tousled hair and wore big circular glasses.

The said boy raised his head from a book and gave a cheeky smile as I waved.

He seemed to almost be un-affected by the commotion happening around him.

"This is Britney. She's half fae, half wolf." Quinn said gesturing towards a tomboyish girl who waved energetically towards me and I was suddenly confused as to how I didn't notice her before.

She was single handedly the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. (Sorry, not sorry Xian.)  Her hair was a sort of silvery white and her aquiline nose lay perfectly against her delicate yet toned face. I couldn't tell whether her eyes were lilac or blue but entrancing was what they were. It was like I was being enchanted by just looking at them.

"Be careful not to stare too long or you might get enchanted." Britney said with a giggle.

That finally snapped me out of my trance.

"And finally we have Moreno." Quinn finished.
After me, Moreno was probably the darkest person sitting at the table, which was nice. The place could use a sprinkle of melanin.

Moreno gave a dimpled smile and waved back.

I looked towards Xian who was jovially eating my Puff puff and then to Lucas who was concentrating so dearly on his fries.

"Hey Abi, can I talk to you in private?" Quinn asked me, with puppy dog eyes I couldn't say no to.

"Of course, let's go." I responded back to her.

I looked at Xian, hoping he wouldn't get mauled by Lucas once I left.
He seemed to have moved on from my Puff puffs to my samosas.

Nah, he'll be fine.


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    ~A somewhat exhausted author.💜

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