•Forehead Kisses•

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dedicated to Cinmisola for being the best Wattpad author out there, and for his stories giving me a will to tell my own.

School was over and I was walking out the school building when I bumped into Xian.

That single moment of contact was enough to send rippling waves of ecstasy up my body and I hoped he didn't notice my flustered look.

"Hey Abby, we kinda started on a wrong foot." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes we did, I barely know you and you were acting like an overprotective idiot." I told him, looking him dead in the face.

"I was as and I'd like to make up for it. Would you like to go to the downtown diner with me ? My treat." He said with the most adorable puppy eyes I had ever seen.

I was almost about to say yes, till I remembered I had Nigerian parents.

Wait, I fit run am oo...

My dad wouldn't be back from work till 6pm and I probably wouldn't even be awake when my mum got back. It was still 2:30 and I had lots of time to kill. I contemplated the idea in my head for a few seconds before I finally answered, "Yeah, I'd love to go, but I have to be back home by 5:30."

The grin on his face was worth it. His smile raised my heart beat to a rate I thought only cardiac arrest patients could achieve.

"Awesome, we can go now if you'd like." He said, with a new life in his eyes.

"Of course." I replied back, for some reason ecstatic to be going anywhere with him even though he acted like a major douche bag earlier.

I hopped into the front seat of his car, when Show and Tell by Melanie Martinez came on and I couldn't help but sing.

You pull me by my hair, so I don't go nowhere
Tell me you love me, but you treat me like I'm never there
You say the cruelest words, you used to break my heart
'Cause I'm over here working my ass off...

Xian's POV

I couldn't help but stare at my beautiful mate as she sang. She not only had great music taste, but sang amazingly as well.
I waited for her to finish the song before talking.

"You sing pretty well Abby." I complimented her, keeping my eyes on the road. I could see the blush rise through her dark skin through the corners of my eyes and it made her look even cuter.

"First of all I'm not even that good, Melanie's voice just harmonized with mine and made me sound way better than I actually am, and secondly, if my voice wasn't at least bearable, I'd sue my choir mistress for all the Saturday nights she kept me in the auditorium." She said with a low laugh.

"Oh, you were in a choir? What for?" I asked, trying to get any scrap of information I could on her.

"Church." She answered back with a dreamy expression on her face.

I didn't know my mate was religious.

"Oh, how's church like ? I've never been to one before." I asked, trying to pass time.

Abby ended up telling me all about life in Nigeria and I had to say, it was definitely interesting. Turns out she was in a boarding school for her first year of middle school and Nigerian boarding school sounds completely different from the stories I've heard about boarding school here in America.
The way she talked about her friends, you could clearly see that when Abby made friends, she made them for life.

Abiola's POV

We got to the diner and it was the most homey place I had been to in the country.

We sat at our table and I started glancing through the red and white checkered menu that matched the table cloth.
I was in the mood for some correct Pounded yam and Egusi soup, but I had to make do with a burger and fries.

Xian and I ended up getting the same thing and we decided to play 20 questions while we waited for our order.

"What's your favorite colour ?" He asked, using his hands to support his chin. There was a huge contrast to the Xian I had met earlier today and the one sitting in front of me and I was loving it.

"I can't choose between black and pink. I love them both so much." I said, dramatically putting a hand over my forehead and pretend-fainting.

"I think you're the first girl that's actually told me that their favorite colour is pink. Pink is usually associated with girls but you hardly find anyone that actually likes the colour." Xian said, looking genuinely curious.

"I think it's because of the stereotype that girls seem to dislike the colour. People tend to stray away from anything viewed as 'too girly' because feminity is usually seen as a weakness and no one wants to look weak. But just because I like pink doesn't mean I'd hesitate to beat your ass." I said with a finger in the air, feigning seriousness.

He quietly laughed at my last statement, nodding his head like he doubted that I actually could.

He obviously doesn't know I attended a karate class once in third grade.

"Okay, my turn, how many siblings do you have?" I asked, wanting to know more about his family.

"I'm the oldest and I have a five year old baby sister." He said with a proud look on his face.

We went on talking and asking each other random question until our food arrived.
I was so hungry I couldn't wait. I had skipped lunch to follow him out of the cafeteria, and I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

Now, I often prided myself in being able to eat a meal in the shortest time possible, so you understand why I took it as a personal insult to my lineage when Xian finished his whole burger and I was just halfway through with mine.

I made a mental note to myself to work on my eating speed, when I heard Xian clear his throat.

"I had an amazing time today Abby, I was kind of wondering if we could do this some other time, maybe even at each other's places."  He looked so adorable asking that it almost hurt to tell him no, but for my own sanity I had too.

"I'd love to go out with you again Xian, but I don't think I could come to your place just yet." I said, taking the last bite of my burger.

I had not forgotten the type of parents I had.

"You want to go to a boy's house alone? When he has not paid your bride price? Abomination!" I thought to myself in my mother's voice.

The look on his face made me want to take everything back, but I didn't enjoy going behind my parents backs to do anything.

I hated letting Xian carry the burden of the bill alone, but I didn't have any cash on me and he looked genuinely happy to pay.

I gave Xian my address and we got there in 10 minutes. The garage was still empty which meant my parents hadn't come back. He walked me all the way to the front door, then turned in me just as I was about to enter.

"I had a really great time Abby." Xian said, his jet black hair finding it's way to his azure eyes.

" So did I." I answered in a breathy voice I wasn't aware I had.
He had to bend a little to reach my height.

And I'm not even short oo, see disgrace.

He gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

Goddamn, how'd he know I was a sucker for forehead kisses?

"Bye Abiola, I'll see you in school tomorrow."

Heyyy guys 👋 I'm trying to update at least one chapter everyday till the end of this book, but I'm a student and it's going to be hard. Some days I'm not going to be able to meet my target but I'll try!
I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and as always, don't forget to Share, Comment and Vote !
         ~A slightly dysphoric author 💜

P.s( I'm laughing at my goals now.)

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