•Jack Robinson•

40 11 2

"This has gone on too long, our packs are no longer safe." Alec Hunt said with his strong  and paradoxically gentle voice.

"It's obvious that the Blood Crescent pack can't handle their affairs properly, if not things wouldn't be so out of hand." A man I didn't know said snidely.

Before I could say Jack Robinson, Lucas' whole demeanor changed.

I had hardly seen the boy get angry, and now I was glad I hadn't.

His jaw was clenched and his fist curled up so tight, I thought his nails would break his skin.

I could also sense his aura emanating in strong waves, and it felt scary as fuck.

Almost everyone in the room had their heads bowed down, until Lucas' mum put a hand on the boy's shoulder, calming him down.

"I don't take well to having my pack insulted Alpha Alec. I'll assume it was a slip of tongue. Do well to caution your pack members." Lucas' mum said in such a calm manner it was scary.

"I apologize Alpha Rae, it won't happen again."

Alpha Rae?  Lucas' mum was an Alpha?

That was so cool! See the way she was just radiating boss bitch vibes!

The man who had made the earlier comment now looked like he was about to shit his pants.

That's what you get for being a lil bitch, hehe.

The meeting went on with a few people raising points here and there, and I was about to fall asleep when I noticed a huge vine twisting across the window.

Oh no.

My mind immediately went to the two idiots I met on my way in.


Immediately, everyone's attention went to the now broken window, and Lauren and Brittany were of course behind the shattered glass, looking like deer caught in headlights.


This is certainly not much, but oh well...

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