•Sneaky Bastard•

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Lucas had left, and I was on my bed trying to process everything that had happened. I still couldn't believe it.

Supernatural creatures existed, and I seemed to be caught right in between them.

Lucas and I had spent the entire evening trying to figure out what exactly I was. I explained to him how the incident that occured earlier was the first time something like that had ever happened to me.

He ended up giving me a class on Supernatural creatures

"Could you be a fae?" Lucas asked, scribbling something down.

"I have no idea what that is." I replied with my lips in a line.

"You know, like fairies?" He replied, his face concentrated on what ever he was writing down.

Fairies exist?!

I mean I shouldn't be surprised but the information I was getting was going to make my brain explode.

"No, that can't be possible, you don't have any of their features and you smell human, but it is possible you could have a concealment spell on you." Lucas mumbled, talking more to himself than me.

After about 6 hours of sitting on my bed and talking about the possibilities of me being a chupacabra-vampire-pixie-lycan hybrid, Lucas had to leave.

I was so tired and I think adrenaline was the only thing keeping me awake so far.

I didn't even know when I had passed out on my bed.


"Abiola! Abiola! Listen to me!" The voice called out to me.

I found myself in a dark space, unsure whether the ground beneath my feet was solid.

Nothing was in sight, just an eery darkness all around.

The voice tried to call out to me again, but I refused to listen. Covering my ears and crouching, I began to release tears of frustration. Pretty soon it got hard to breathe. The pain in my lungs increased as I gasped for air.

Before I knew what was happening, I was out cold.


"My love, why do you look so troubled?"  Oya asked her husband whilst massaging his tense shoulders.

It had not just started today, Oya had noticed the worried expression on her husband's face and the stiff way he seemed to walk for over a week now. She had said nothing because she had thought her husband would share his troubles with her as he always did, but it seemed Ṣàngó was not ready to relieve himself of the burden that hunched his back.

"It is nothing you should worry yourself about ọkan mi." Ṣàngó replied to his caring wife when she had asked what bothered him.

He saw no need to worry her. It was probably a matter that would be resolved as easily as the ones before it had been.

Ṣàngó however couldn't get the nagging feeling out his mind that the rumour might carry the slightest sliver of truth.

Ṣàngó had followed Oya's advice and sent Gbonka and Timi to govern the outskirts of the empire after their initial disobedience but rumours had been flying around that Gbonka was planning to overthrow him. Ṣàngó however refused to believe that his best friend would do something like that to him and continued to refuse the advise of his chiefs to take action against Gbonka.

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