•Rut and Roses•

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"So Xian, is it? How do you know my daughter ?" My mother asked, taking a seat on the chair opposite us.

To any one watching, this might seem like a friendly question, but I knew exactly what was playing out here.

This was an Interrogation. One fuck up and Xian may not be allowed inside this house ever again. It was a life or death situation and I was quaking in my boots just thinking about it.

Oh God, this is going to go horr-

"First of all thank you ma'am for the snacks." I heard Xian say, making me raise my head from the floor.

This might not be so bad.

He was appealing to the Yoruba in my mother, and I could see genuine smile creep up on her ever so judgemental face.

"And she's in three of my classes at school ma'am, I actually came over to talk about the Algebra homework our teacher gave." Xian finished with a polite smile.

What happened to this boy?

Not that I'm complaining, but is this the Xian Hunt I know?

God in heaven Eṣe oo. My God doesn't wear flip flops, therefore, he can never flop.

My mother had released a full smile, you could tell that Xian had successfully passed her test and she was confident enough to leave him with me.

"That's wonderful, you kids have fun, if you need me, I'll be in my office, before leaving for work." My mum said, smiling, while walking towards her office.

I let out a heavy sigh, then turned to face Xian.

Ah ah, what kind of Gemini behavior is this.

See the boy that was just smiling at my mum, he's now looking like he wants to die.

"Is there anywhere more private we could go to, perhaps your room ?" He said, as if trying to control himself from doing something.

My room? So he can do what? Please oo, I'm not ready to start bearing children.

"We can go to the garden." I said, giving him the biggest side eye ever. He looked as if he was trying so hard to stop himself from doing something. What you may ask? I too was trying to figure that out.

I led him to the garden, but I didn't stop at the general seating area, I wanted to show him my secret rose garden.

It had to be my favorite place in the entire house. The secret garden led up to a tiny cottage that was just enough for two people to live in.

I didn't even think my parents knew about this place, because the gardener had never been here even once.

The vines were left to tangle and the grass and flowers were wild and free.

It was so beautiful and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We walked over to the front of the cottage, were two old chairs were situated but, it seemed as if Xian would rather stand, so I did as well.

I could see the way his breathing was timed and he looked like he was shaking with each breath.

I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, but the way he flinched when I did told me it was having the opposite of the desired effect.

"Xian are you alright?" I finally womaned up and popped the question,  I had started to get worried.

He took in a deep breath, before finally speaking.

"Abby, will you have sex with me?"


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