•Principalities and Powers•

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It was Friday and Lucas hadn't come to school since Tuesday, I still didn't understand what was going on between Xian and I and the whole school was acting weird.

First of all, Lucas and Jonah had gone AWOL since Tuesday and Lucas hadn't been answering my calls. I didn't know where he lived so I couldn't go visiting. The only thing I could do was pray he was alright and hope to see him on Monday.

Mine and Xian's relationship still confused the hell out of me. I didn't even know if you could call what we had a relationship. Xian was overprotective and sometimes it could be cute but it's mostly so damn annoying. I literally had no other friends except for his, because he glares at everyone who so much as looks my way.
And to be frank with you, I probably should call it off, but for some reason, every time he comes within two feet, my brain turn to jelly.
It was confusing because I didn't even know what we were!
I knew I felt some kinda way everytime I was with Xian, but could you say you were in a relationship with someone you've only known for a week?

It was lunch break and thankfully, Xian, Lance and Ella were having some serious conversation so I could sneak out for some fresh air.

I sound like I'm under freaking bondage! Sneak out?!

I walked from the indoor cafeteria to the outdoor one. There were a few people sitting on the tables but I walked to a bench under a huge tree.

You wouldn't believe who I saw sitting on the bench.

It was Jonah, looking like he'd missed five consecutive days of sleep and trust me when I tell you, it wasn't a good look for him.

Jonah was one of the few people in this school who wasn't white.

He was Asian-American and you could notice the lack of sleep from the dark rings under his small monolid eyes.

"Hey Jonah." I said, taking a seat next to him on the bench.
He looked like he was lost in thought, and I was the last person he expected to see.

"Oh, hey Abby, I didn't see you there." He said after coming over his shock.

"Yeah, I noticed. You looked like you were lost in a trance. Are you alright though? I haven't seen you or Lucas since Tuesday." I prodded, playing with the transparent beads in my hair.

"Oh, Lucas and I have just been dealing with some..." He paused, as if looking for how to put the information he was telling me.

"Some family issues." He finally finished.

I wasn't aware that Jonah and Lucas were related? But I didn't want to ask more questions and make him uncomfortable, I mean, I hardly knew the guy.

"Oh no, I hope everything's alright?" I asked, deciding not to prod any further.

"Yeah, things are getting better, Lucas should be in school on Monday." Jonah said, not particularly sounding like things were getting better, but I decided to let it go. It wasn't my business anyways.

School was over and I hadn't seen Xian since he, Ella and Lance went off to discuss something during lunch break which was really weird.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not the clingy type, but Xian sure as hell was. If we weren't in class there's no way he'd let me leave his sight.

I'm sure you're thinking, "How very unfeminist of you Abibi! Letting a man dictate your actions?!"

But see, it's not that simple. Xian doesn't tower over you and go "Well you can't go anywhere because I said so, and I'm the Alpha male."

If he did, it would have things much easier, as he would have had a missing nut, and men don't seem to appreciate that kinda thing y'know?

"So how does he do it?" You may ask. He's a real sly fox, that one.
Every time I try to leave, he'd pull me back and envelope me in his arms! And I couldn't resist the tosser's cologne. Then he'd start telling me how pretty I was, and then play with my hair!

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