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Sunday, 2:30

Xian Hunt

Being here gave me memories, memories I would prefer to bury deep inside of my psyche.

The smell of the place was just as I had remembered. It created a sense of longing for something that was long gone.

But it was time. Time to face my past, not because I wanted to, but because Abiola needed me to.

Now I understood why my dad did what he did. I don't hate him any less for it, but at least I understand.

I never wanted a mate, in fact, I was completely opposed to the idea of having one, at least until I met mine.

The mate bond was something funny, I would never have seen myself dating someone like Abiola Akinyemi.

Before I met Abby, anyone who had the nerve to talk to me with so much as an attitude would be dealt with severely, so Abiola's headstrong nature came as a shock to me, but now that I think about it, it's for the best.

Abiola puts me in check.

Over time, I had began to feel myself drifting farther and farther away from my friends everyday. Even Lance and Ella who were supposedly my best friends.

And I hated the mean-spirited person I had started to become.

I stood at the entrance of the pack house, and before I could raise my fist to knock, the door swung open, revealing the very person I had come here to see.

My anger hadn't subsided, the very sight of him boiled my blood, but if this was what I had to go through to make Abby happy, I'd have no regrets– hopefully.

"What are you doing here?" Came the surprised voice of my once upon a time best friend.

"I'm here to talk." I replied, shoving my hands in my pockets, avoiding Lucas Boyd's eyes.

"About?"  He asked grimly.

"Abby." I answered back, staring him straight in the face.

He stopped moving for a moment, and then walked back into the house, giving me a cue to do the same.

I tried to block all the feelings whooshing round my head as I walked into the pack house. I hadn't been here in nearly 4 years and it hadn't changed a bit from when I last was.

"What is it?" Lucas asked, leaning on the wall in a way that let me know he'd like this conversation to be over just as quickly as it had started.


I had no plans to stay here longer than necessary.

"Look, Abby obviously means something to the both of us, and she's on a journey of self discovery, which means she'll need all the help she can get, and we've got to be there for her.

I'm not saying we need to be friends again. We just have to tolerate each other's presence to show our respect for Abby." I finally finished.

It was quiet for a long time, till Lucas finally decided to speak.

"I'm not the one who acts like a lunatic who can't fucking control their emotions Xian. I don't know what kind of joke the moon goddess is playing, but I just hope you don't break her heart as well." Lucas said, in a more serious tone I had ever heard coming from him.

I didn't have a right to be angry at what Lucas said. Every word was true, but that didn't stop me from feeling like ripping his head right off.

"Goodbye Xian."

He said slamming the door right in my face.

I wasn't aware of when I shifted, I just knew I had to clear my head.

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