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'Can't he just tell me what is he up to already?'

I am getting frustrated with both my son's disappearance as well as the man, who did not want to share his plan with the woman who is slowly panicking about her son!

I was about to walk past the park when Kusuo pulled me by my arm and to a nearby bench.

"What are you doing! My son is missing and we are sitting here?" I scolded the male as he sat me down as he released his grip on my arm.

Reaching out into his bag, he pulled out a paper and a pen.

pushing the two items to me, I shot him a glare.

"What am I suppose to do?"

"Write down a list of places you have been to with Kuuya here, as well as the places back in the town before you moved back here to Hidariwakibara-cho."

Sighed, I took off the cap of the pen and started scribbling down the places I visited with Kuuya here before passing the paper to Kusuo.

"Look, I understand why you wanted me to write down the places we visited here in Hidariwakibara-cho but why the places at the other town too? I don't think he will wonder off that far."

Sliding the paper back to me, Kusuo insisted that I write it down. No, not insisted. Ordered seems to be the right word.

"Every little information helps." He replied to my question. "Since he is a smart boy with your genes, he may have gotten a ticket to go back there."

'Is that a compliment or should I actually be worried?'

To be honest, his words made me think about all the things Kuuya is capable to do that a normal 4 year old child can't. At home, I noticed that he really missed the town he was born in, and was trying to adapt in this new place that he arrived in a few weeks ago.

He is also an intelligent child. Surely he knows how to use a ticket machine.

I then wrote down all possible places as well as my previous home address which Kusuo bugged me to write it down for "information" purposes.

With that, Kusuo told me not to overthinking, giving me a few places on the list to search for Kuuya while he take the remaining.

"Don't worry about the other town." He told me. "We'll search around here."

The both of us split up and went different directions.

Little did I know, Kusuo was not planning to do what he said before we went different directions.


Saiki Kusuo's POV

Watching [name] figure going further and further, I quickly rushed into the nearby toilet and sat in one of the stalls.

'If my speculation is right, he may not be here.' I thought to myself.

Sure Kuuya is a psychic like me but I noticed some of his abilities developed later or even faster than I did.

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now