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Heaving a sigh, I leaned back on my chair and glanced up at the clock.

'It's already 1am...'

I am still creating a design for my client, she requested so many things in for her new store in a shopping mall and I just can't seem to get her satisfaction.

'Maybe she should settle on one idea rather than keep throwing new things everytime I meet up with her.' I complaint in my mind.

Getting drowsy at every passing second, I stood up and decided to head for the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and finish up my work.


A deafening explosion sounded through my ears as the ground started shaking. Immediately squatting down and taking cover, the shaking stopped soon after a second or two.

What's with the sudden earthquake?!

I slowly get back on my feet and looked up at the walls to find the roof missing?!

'What the...' I can only thought of one person who is capable of doing that.

I rushed into his room to find nobody on the bed. Not even the bed, the whole room was destroyed.

"Kuuya!" I shouted his name, looking around the room for him, but there's no presence of him anywhere.


I shrieked in surprise and stumbled backwards at the sudden reappearance and stumbled to the ground.

'Did he just appear in front of me?! How did he do that?!'

I can feel my soul exiting my body.

Composing myself, I placed my hand on my son's shoulder.

"Kuuya, can you fix the house first before anyone in the neighbourhood caught a glimpse of the building in such terrible state?"

He nodded, and uses restoration to turn it back to how our apartment was before all these that happened.

Meaning, there's a roof over our heads once again.

Setting him down on the bed, I started to ask him questions regarding what I've witness just now.

"What happened just now?"

"I was just sleeping."


"I heard a loud BOOM! Then I woke up on a beach."

Maybe this is a one time thing that he sleeps and uses his abilities- wait-

"When did you know how to teleport?"

He suddenly fall silent, turning to the window like he is trying to remember something.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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