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Hidariwakibara-cho, a small little town that I lived in since middle school but sadly I had to move away...

...due to personal reasons.

After my meeting with Aren I realised how selfish I was. Moving because I was heartbroken, was in pain, and I didn't want to suffer again.

The moment I found out I was pregnant, I was 18.

I don't even know what to do. I was alone in the new town with nobody to rely on.

Abortion was not on my list, luckily.

I got a job at a Ramen store and the elderly lady boss was happy to help me during that period of time.

And all that led to me being here now.

With my son here who is turning 4 soon and me having a super decent job at a well known company.

Just so happen that my company wanted to expand and decided to transfer me to one of their new branches...

...at Hidariwakibara-cho,

the place I don't wish to be.

But of course for my son and a good opportunity, I'll have to face my fears and go for it.


Hand in hand with my son, we're now walking along the familiar streets of the place I once called home.

Just so happens that Kuuya wanted to read some books so I decided to bring him to the library.

He picked out a couple of books that he wanted and took it to me.

"Mommy! I want these!" He whispered as he carried all to me.

I turned my head to his direction and my eyes were wide open in shock.

I couldn't even see him.

He was blocked by the stack of books!

The books were piled up till it blocked his whole upper body.

"Woah mom! He have super strength!"

"That kid can carry so many books."

"Has he been working out at such a young age?"

The people around us whispered but I can definitely hear them clearly.

I took some of the books and placed it on the table.

"Kuuya, let's choose some books that you really wants to read and borrow them, okay?" I told him nicely. "We'll borrow the rest another time since there's a limit to the number of books we can borrow."

He nodded and began choosing the books he wanted wisely.

He picked it out and I took the rest of the books back to the selves.

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now