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"I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.... Thank you so much for being such a good teacher for Kuuya, have a nice day."

I hung up the phone and went towards my son's room, knocking twice.

"Kuuya, time to wake up!"

No replies.


Again, no replies.

"I'm coming in!"

I twisted the knob to my son's room to found him on the bed, being covered by a warm blanket.

He seems to be sleeping really peacefully.

As much as I want him to continue having his nice little slumber, we have somewhere to be.

I tiptoed beside his bed and giggled a little.


I started to tickle the little boy which successfully wake him up.

Tickling his belly, Kuuya started laughing and squirming under my attack.

"Mommy! I'm awake!" He said but I did not stop.


A loud noise in the room immediately stopped us from moving. Looking around, I found something that surprises me.

The walls cracked and it seems like it's going to crash down on us soon.

"Okay... Maybe the surprise morning attack isn't a good idea for Kuuya..." I muttered while looking at the cracks as little debris started falling from the ceiling.

I've forgotten that my son is a superhuman/psychic.

"Sorry mommy... I did it again..." Kuuya said apologetically. "But I can fix it!"

I sighed in relief as he started to use his restoration to fix the house.

"Alright! Time to get up!"

I pull him out of bed and he went to the toilet so he could brush his teeth while I picked out his outfit for the day.

"Mommy," he walked in to the room after he finished his morning routine. "Are we going somewhere?"

I nodded happily and passed him the outfit for him to change out of. "Yes! We're taking a trip to mommy's old highschool!"

"Uncle Aren and daddy also went there too right?" He said excitedly.

I hums in agreement as he changed out of his pyjamas.

"Mommy packed some lunch too so we can eat there!"


"Did you hear the loud explosion just now? Or something being destroyed?"

"The building seems fine. It must just be our imagination."

Two elderly ladies stood right next to Kuuya and I when we took the elevator down to the first floor. Apparently they heard the loud noise just now.

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now