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"Why? Why do you want to leave me?"

"I'm sorry."

"Saying sorry doesn't cut it!"


He didn't say a word. We were just standing under the dark sky, having this bad conversation.

He,the one I loved, decided to break up with me that night.

"Am I... Am I a bad girlfriend?" I held back my tears.

He just stood there not replying anymore. He's just facing the ground.

"If this is what you want...

I'll make your wish come true."

~End of Flashback~

Years have passed since then. It was tough, so tough that I cried every night.

After that day, I begged my parents to let me transfer to another school, and move away from that town.

My parents are not wealthy, but they knew I was suffering and decided to let me move, even bought me a house to stay.

I never seen him since.

Being a 3rd year student, I was only at that school for a couple of months before I graduated and became a University student. I never really made friends, because I don't really want and need them.

I tried my best to forget him, but I just can't. He's the first person I loved so, so much.

He gave me love, comfort, made me feel secure. Until that one day everything went downhill.

A few weeks in my new high school, I started to have some sickness. I vomited and was feeling dizzy. My period did not came for the past month and I decided to get tested.

The test I did came out positive.

"I'm... pregnant...?"

I remember I was sitting on the toilet seat, crying my heart out.

One small mistake from weeks ago turned into a huge weight on my shoulder.

I kept quiet about my pregnancy. I didn't tell my parents, my school, or even him.

'He doesn't deserve to know.' I thought to myself with the kit in my hands.

I wasn't planning to abort it. The little one in my womb is my child. Even though I'm young, I have no plans for the little one to be killed.

9 torturous month, I hid from everyone. I didn't want to be a burden and decided to get a job. Juggling between University, having a job and having a child was tough, but I made it through.

Going to school with a big bump wasn't an issue since I can cover up with a big T-Shirt but I had to stop going for a couple of months afterwards.

Hiding it from my parents were kind of easy since they did not live with me and they were busy most of the time that they did not visit me.

Since I was in need of money, the boss at my workplace was a kind elderly lady who took care of me really well. She's the first person to know that I was pregnant, along with my co-workers.

Giving me a decent job and a decent pay, it was more than enough.

One day, my water broke during work. I was immediately rushed into the hospital.

All you have to know is that a healthy baby boy was born into the world.

And he just had to inherit the pink hair of his father.

But did I regret having him into this world?

No. Not once.

His existence gave me a reason to live.

At the age of 19,
Ishikawa [Name],
A university student,
Gave birth to a beautiful boy...

"Welcome to this cruel world... Ishikawa Kuuya."

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