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It's been a week since I started living in Hidariwakibara-cho,

A week since I've started working here.

I like my new work place really much. Even though I'm one of the younger employees here, my position is kind of high that the others treated me with respect.

Glad to know that there are some great co-workers here.

"Attention everyone!" The Manager for my department, Manager Nakamura called for everyone.

Since the branch just recently opened, there's only a couple of us working in this department.

But it's more than enough to handle our work well.

"It's been a week since we know each other, and I'm glad to work with you guys!" He said and all of us clapped and cheered, agreeing to the sentence he just said.

"And I'm also happy to announce one good news!" He clapped his hands together once to bring the others attention back to him.

"It's going to be great!"

'Mhm yeah okay.'

"It's going to be exciting!"

'Yeah I get it.'

"It's definitely going to bring joy to you guys!"

'Alright just spit it out man!' I can't help but scolded my manager mentally. He's taking too long! I have millions of work waiting for me to get done!

I sighed and looked down at my computer, secretly typing and continuing my work.

"Let's welcome our new employee!"

Everybody started clapping and cheering once again as Manager Nakamura gestured the new employee out of his office.

The ladies around me started squealing, which annoyed me a little.

"He looks cute!"

"That hair colour is so unique I love it!"

"Not my type."

"He'll be the reason I go to work everyday!"

"A junior, how nice."

"Hey hey!" Someone nudged me. "Check out that new guy! He's attracting quite a little bit of attention!"

"Isn't that what they always do when there's a new employee?" I replied and I was earned with a giggle.

"That's right! Ishikawa-san doesn't seem interested."

"I'm a single mom with a kid who's not looking for love." I still focusing on the computer while the shrieks still happen around me.

It's getting pretty annoying.

"Trust me Tachibana-san, after awhile, they all will lose their interest in that guy."

"Okay ladies! Stop with the shouting!" Finally, the manager stops them and they finally went back to their desks.

"Let's welcome our newest employee!

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now