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"Ishikawa-san, don't worry we'll take care of your son!" The teacher assured me.

A new day in Hidariwakibara-cho, time for me to go to work and Kuuya to go to his new kindergarten. Even though we will be here only for months, he still needed to go to school.

My company is nice enough to find and enroll him into one.

"Okay then. Kuuya, listen to your teacher and mommy will pick you up after work!" I told the boy while ruffling his hair.

He gave me a cheeky smile and waved. "Okay mommy! See you later!"


First day of work and I saw a few familiar faces that transferred here from the branch that I worked at before I came here.

I wasn't a really sociable person so seeing them made me feel a little at ease.

The new employees were kind and we were all able to get along well.

Maybe moving here isn't that bad.

The day final ended and I grabbed my stuff, walking out of the building.

'I wonder what Kuuya want to eat today...' I pondered.

Ramen was a popular choice in this town. Tell me, who doesn't love ramen?

That shall be our dinner then.

"[Name]?" A voice called out to me.

I haven't heard this voice since I left this town...


I slowly turned around and saw a familiar purple hair, the one of the person I missed the most when I moved away.


"I'm right! You're [name]! It's been a while!" He walked over to me.

"Well... 5 years to be exact."

"I missed you so much!" He gave me a big hug which I returned.

Kuboyasu Aren, a transfer student during my time in PK Academy. He is like a big brother I can look up to and we immediately clicked when we first met.

"I can't believe I finally see you again after all these years!" Aren lets go of me. "Life has not been the same since you moved away."

"I'm sorry I didn't keep in contact..." I looked on the ground, didn't want to face him. "I have some things to figure out..."

My eyes watered as I talked to him. All the good times that we've spent in highschool was short but worth it. I missed those times.

He pat my shoulder to comfort me like he always do during our time in high school. "But you're back now, so there's no need to worry."

"I'm still deciding if I'm moving back to good." I told the purpled hair male.

I could see a little sadness in his eyes when I said that. He really wants me to move back here.

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now