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"Kuuya, Mommy is going to work now okay? Listen to your teachers in school!"

"Yes Mommy!" Kuuya did a little salute which made me laugh.

Kindergarten is a little tough for Kuuya. Not in education, but with his powers. I always remind him to be cautious of whatever he's doing so he wouldn't go around and destroy school property or worse, the whole town.

The last thing I want to do is leave here.

I waved goodbye to my little boy as he is being led into the classroom by his teacher.

'Hope today's going to be great!' I motivated myself as I walk away from the kindergarten.


"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Ishikawa-san!"

I walked into the company I worked at and started greeting everybody I know. I made it to my desk I turned on my computer when the telephone on desk rang.

"This is Ishikawa."

"Ishikawa, to the manager's office now." And the line hung up.

It is either good, or bad.

But I have no choice but to obey... Right?

I made it to my manager's office and there sat a lovely lady in her 30s. She's a very sweet person who treats all her employees well. Since she called me in, I must have done something wrong...

"Ah Ishikawa! Have a seat!"

I walked to the chair and took a seat.

"Manager Kaori, what do you need me here for?" I asked timidly. "I hope I'm not here to get fired?"

"Of course not don't worry!" She laughed out loud and slapped her leg. "I'm here to discuss about transferring you to another branch."

"Transferring me? Where?" I looked at her in curiousity. Just as I said I didn't want to move away from this town, this just have to happen.

"There's another branch that is recently built and we're suppose to choose some of the best employees to work there." My manager place her arms on the desk.

"And you, my friend, at the lucky chosen one."


The feeling of success feels my heart. Years of hard work paid off as somebody finally realised my ability. This may be the opportunity to provide a better living for Kuuya and I.

"Isn't it exciting?! The branch will be located at Hidariwakibara-cho!"

"Wait what?"

'Hidariwakibara-cho... Isn't that where my old high school is located?!'

I clenched on to my skirt, remembering all the times I've spent there.

I did not wish to see the place of heartbreak again.

"No!" I stood up immediately, shocking the female in front of me. "I'm sorry but I have to decline."

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now