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Ishikawa [Name]'s POV

Rushing around places to places Kusuo told me to search, I could not find my child anywhere.

"Excuse me! Have you seen this child around two hours ago?" I asked every shop clerk or people on the street, showing a picture of my son.

All of them shook their head, or even apologized.

'It may be his new ability acting up. Oh just why didn't I take notice of the different kind of psychic power he is developing?'

It has already been almost two hours of me running around the town. Kusuo has yet to contact me. Maybe he could not find Kuuya too?

I could have told him about Kuuya ability, as it might be a crucial information to help with the search. But I do not want to risk it.

Other than me, nobody knows my little boy is a psychic. Telling it to others may risk his life, or even affect him.

Even though Kusuo is Kuuya's father, it is still a no.

As much as I trust Aren too... Sorry! It's a secret between my son and I!

Feeling exhausted about the search, I walked towards a nearby bench and sat down.

Taking out my phone from my bag, I decided to give Kusuo a call.

'Alright [Name], calm down. Your son is intelligent, he has abilities that can aid him to protect himself from danger.'

I waited as patiently as I can for Kusuo to pick up. Every passing second felt so long.

'Why hasn't he pick up why hasn't he pick up why hasn't he pick up-'


"KUSUO!" I yelled into the phone. Passers-by may have glance at me weirdly due to my sudden outburst but I didn't care. They can look at me all weirdly if they want to. "Did you find Kuuya?! Or any information of where he had been to?!"

"Don't worry mommy! I'm fine!" A sweet sounding voice spoke on the phone.

My heart stopped once I heard that voice.

It is definitely my little boy.


"Yes mommy!"

"Where have you run off too?"

Tears pricking in my eyes, I felt a huge sense of relief.

My little boy is back.


"Kuuya and I are at the park. Meet us there [name]." Kusuo cut my son off and hung up the phone.

I stared at my phone in disbelief.

'Did he just stopped me from talking to my son?!'

Tossing my phone into my bag I started to run towards the park.


There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now