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Faint, acoustic music filled my ears as I looked out of the window, admiring the buildings and the greenery that we have passed by.

Kuuya and I packed some of our important items into our luggage and are now on the Shinkansen, on the way to Hidariwakibara-cho.

It is a 2 hour ride with my little psychic here, plus it's his first time riding the Shinkansen to another part of Japan so he is a little excited and kept his gaze out the window.

"Mommy!" He whisper yelled. I'm glad he knows that we are not suppose to talk loudly on the train. "They are planting rice!"

The little pink haired boy continuously tapped on the window, trying to show me the rice paddy field when we heard a little crack.

Kuuya stopped his actions and both of us froze in our seat.

He slowly removed his finger and we saw a little crack starting to spread on the window.

'Now what do we do?!' I thought to myself, panicking.

I glance over at Kuuya and I saw that he was going to cry soon.

"Mommy... Are we going to get into trouble?" He whimpered while looking down, frightened.

I reached my hand over to his little pink head, patting it.

"No worries Kuuya." I ruffled his hair. "There's nothing to worry about."

'I'm worrying about EVERYTHING!' Now I am definitely kicking myself in the face.

"You are a smart boy! We can fix this!" I said calmly and cheerfully to get him to stop tearing up, but I know that in my mind, my heart is going to burst.

'How am I going to pay for the damage?!' I tried to calm myself. 'It's okay... It's not his fault! I'm here to guide him in these situations.'

Kuuya nodded and reached out his hand to the cracked window.

In a blink of an eye, the window looks as good as new.

"Kuuya!" I hugged the boy, squishing his cheeks to mine. "You see! You just need to have faith in yourself and you can fix it!" I said while rubbing his little pink cheeks.

He blushed a little at my compliment.

The train ride continued and Kuuya fell asleep in my arms. Seems like he woke up too early today as he was really excited about this little trip.

I looked over and see his sleeping, cute little face, which reminded me of him. Especially that one time....


"Hey! You sleeping?"

"I'm really tired..." He said groggily.

He have dark eye circles around his eyes which seems like he haven't slept in years. What has he been up to recently?

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now