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After walking to the staff room with Aren, we decided to part ways and meet up later after his lessons.

"See you later Uncle Aren!"

"See you later Kuuya, and [name]."

We waved goodbye to each other and I walked the opposite way then him. The way to the music room.

That's the place Kuuya and I wanted to go.

I stopped in front of a door with Kuuya in my hands.

'This is it...'

I slide open the door and walked in before sliding close and placing Kuuya on the ground.

There's a grand piano there, the same ones that I saw years ago.

Originally, there were two pianos. One was said to be haunted by a ghost so it was removed and left with another one.

I walked towards the grand piano and sat down on the chair, patting the empty space beside me.

"Kuuya, want to sit down here?" And he happily jogged towards me.

Sitting by my side, he awaited me patiently to play a song.

I placed my fingers on the keys and started playing one of my favourites song, singing it.

[Aishiteru by Kourin]

Memomries rushed back to me with every note I played and every lyrics I sang. Of course, I agreed to take a trip into the past.


I after I finished playing that song, I noticed a figure standing at the doorway, which surprises me a little.

"Saiki-kun!" I panicked when I saw him. He didn't make any noise the whole time he was there.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"A while." He said with his stoic face. I like how his answers are always so straightforward.

I quickly got embarrassed. Nobody has heard me sing or play the piano before. Sure the piano music may have travelled through the hallways but nobody ever stopped by just to watch me play.

"S-so..." I stuttered. "What brings your here?"

He just looked at the piano. "Heard you playing."

"Y-yeah... I hope I didn't disturb you." I said as I looked on the ground, not wanting to meet his gaze.

I'm still feeling embarrassed that he heard me singing. I've always hated my voice.

As if he heard me, the pink haired male decided to say something that made me surprised.

"You play and sing great."

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now