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Cleaning up his desk after leaving it messy for a week or two, he noticed the album he took home the other day.

The album filled with pictures of the 9 month journey she went through by herself.

He took a deep breath, and opened the album.

The first photo had a label under it, stating that it was her 7 weeks of pregnancy. Most likely that's when she noticed she's pregnant.

It was a photo of her in school. With a couple of her classmates, she sat a few distance away from the group and posed with a peace sign.

'Maybe they are not that close.' Kusuo thought to himself.

Removing his invisible glove, he uses his psychometry.

He wants to see what she's doing after she transferred away.


"Should we ask her to join us?"

"But she hasn't spoken to us much since she transferred here."

A couple of classmates were talking about the girl sitting at the back of the class, staring at the window, doing nothing.

"She's always lost in her own thoughts."

"Maybe she just doesn't like to socialise."

"Come on, it's the last year of high school." Someone spoke. "She probably wants a picture to keep it as a memory."

"Fine... We'll invite her for a photo together with us since we're all in the same class."

A girl in the group walked up to [Name], tapped on her shoulder and asked her to join them in the group photo.

Reluctantly, [Name] stood up and followed.

It was awkward, but she was glad that she's invited along for the picture.

"Thank you Ishikawa-san!" One of them said.

"Once I get the photo printed, I'll pass one to you!"


The scene ended. She was definitely different than how she was in PK Academy. Most likely she was still affected...

The next photo is an ultrasound.

'The embryo is sure tiny.' Kusuo thought to himself.

Flipping on to the next page, it was mostly pictures of her at her part time job.

Seeing one that catches his eyes, he decided to use his psychometry once again.


There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now