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"Mommy mommy!"

My little boy rushed down the stairs and to the dining room.

Almost 4 years has passed by since I gave birth to my beautiful boy Kuuya.

As a single mother, I had to work to provide a living for both of us. Luckily, theres always someone to help me take care of him if I can't.

"What is it Kuuya?" I smiled at the boy.

I placed a bowl of rice on the table along with the other side dishes.

He quickly ran and sat down on the chair and I sat down along with him.

"Mommy! Look what I can do!" Kuuya said, excitedly.

He inherited my happy-go-lucky side and my personality, while he inherited his father's pink hair.

The plates started floating and I looked at it in surprised.

"That's cool!" I said as I took the floating plates and place it back on the table. "Let's eat first before you show me your other abilities that you've mastered, okay?"


Ishikawa Kuuya, my baby boy, is a psychic.

I have to be really honest, I was shock when I first found out about his powers.

He started speaking at 3 weeks which surprises me. Quickly, he learnt how to walk in a span of 1 month.

I have no idea where and how he got those powers, but I always remind him about two things.

"Never tell anyone about your powers."


"Only use your powers to help good people in need."

I found a way to be immune to his powers. How do I know?
Well one day...


"Mommy." Kuuya called out to me once we've reached home from the supermarket.

"What is it Kuuya?"

"I heard many voices in my head." He told me while holding on to a bag of groceries. "At the supermarket and when were walking home."

"Many people are talking, that's why."

"No! Even when they are not talking!"


"Yes! Except for yours."

I chuckled and squat down to meet his eye, patting his little head. "We'll figure it out later okay? Now let me cook lunch for us!" And I walked to the kitchen.

I made soup the house smelt heavenly while Kuuya was sitting at the living room watching some kids game show.

I took the ladle and decided to give the soup a taste when I accidentally spilt it on my arm.

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now