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"The Summer Festival? This evening?"

"Yah. Would you and Kuuya like to go with me? It's been a while since I saw you guys."

Sitting in front of my computer at home, I am on a call with Aren while working on one of my reports.

Glancing at the clock, Kuuya and I should be able to spare some time.

"Sure, sounds like a great idea!" I exclaimed. "It's been a long time since I went to the Summer Festival with you."

"When was that again? Our second year of high school?"

"Surprised you remembered!"

We started laughing and chatting about the good old days when I glance at the clock once again.

"It's time for me to pick Kuuya up from school." I told the man on the phone. "We'll meet you there at 6pm!"

"Mommy! My teacher said that the Summer Festival is happening tonight! Can we go?" The almost 4 years old kid said as he tugged my arm.

"Uncle Aren invited us so the three of us will go together!" I said with excitement. I have not seen Aren for quite awhile and I have so many things I want to catch up with him about.

"Are you going to wear a yukata?" Kuuya asked. "Teacher said it is a tradition for people to wear yukata to the festival!"

"Hmm..." I placed my fingers under my chin, thinking. "I don't really know... Should I?"

"Yeah! You will look super pretty!" The little pink-head complimented.

I can't help but feel much more confident to wear a yukata. It's been years since I wore one.

"Okay, since my son insist!"


We reached our apartment Kuuya went straight to the bathroom to wash up while I went into my room to dig out a yukata set that I own.

My parents sent it to me when I was in my first year of University. But I only wore it once. It has been hiding in my closet ever since.

"Finally found it!"

I took out the yukata. It is yellow in colour, decorated in beautiful flower prints.

Since now it is only 2.45 pm and I have some time to spare, I decided to make lunch for my boy and then work on my report.

"Kuuya!" I walked to the kitchen. "What do you want for lunch?"

"Coffee Jelly!" He shouted to me while in the bathroom.

I sighed. 'It's really in his DNA.'

"That will be your dessert, I mean your main food."

"Hamburger Steak!"

I opened the fridge and take a look inside. Luckily, we have all the ingredients for what he requested.

After I placed the rice in the rice cooker, I started to prepare the meal.

There Lies Happiness [Saiki Kusuo X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now