My Shy Little Star

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I didn't really think I was meant to do much in this industry, go to practice, work my butt off, do my monthly evaluation, repeat. Never thought my peacefully rounded schedule would be messed with when this girl showed up; Lalisa Manoban, or just Lisa. This little shy little foreign girl, said to be Thai,  showed up about a week ago and she's been my dorm mate along with 2 other girls, Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie.

When I met her she didn't know any Korean so I mainly spoke in English with her. Now she knows a little bit but I still catch her curious doe eyes staring at everyone in shock and confusion whenever we speak a little too quickly. 

We are at practice right now and she really seems to be lagging behind us with the vocals, shes singing much softer than she should be and she definitely won't pass her first evaluation this way. 

"Lisa-ah sing louder, the microphone can only do so much for you!" Our instructor commented, only making Lisa stop dancing and singing altogether and turn around bowing in an apologetic way. "Stand up and let's continue, there's no need to bow just follow your instructions and we'll be fine Lisa-yah" Jisoo unnie smiles guiding her to stand straight before adjusting the mic sitting against her ear and cheek. She's always been the mother hen type so I wasn't surprised anymore to see her baby the younger girls around her, she does the same to me and Chaeng.

"Okay girls back to work, we only have a week and a half left before the next evaluation and if you wanna stay here as a trainee you have to work for it!" Instructor unnie told us before leaving us to work on our own.

"Okay girls, another 3 hours and then we'll have a break," I said bluntly before shooting the maknaes (Lisa and Chaeyoung) a look asking silently if they were ready to go before turning on the music again

-Time Skip-                     -4 and a half hours later-

"J-Jenni-nie un-ni-ie..c-can we pl-please h-have a break n-now" I heard Lisa's little voice pant along with Chaeyoung's after a second and nodded seeing them both shaking and panting covered head to toe in sweat. I looked at Jisoo and sure enough, she was the same, as was I, so we finished practice for the night seeing as it was already close to 2 in the morning

I locked up the practice room and made my way to the showers with Lisa, who had waited with me instead of going ahead with the other 2. "You okay?" I questioned seeing her still very out of breath

"Y-yeah just tired" I gave her a nod opening the locker room door for her letting her in first. "Shower quickly and change then we'll head back to the dorms" She nodded and went into a shower stall, as did I after getting my spare clothes from my locker

-Another hour later-     -3:25am-

"Lisa hurry up its getting late, even the janitor is asking when we're going to leave!" I shout into the area of the locker room where Lisa last was, I don't know what is taking her so long but it's super late now and all I want is my bed!

"Lisa!? Come on or I'm coming in there!" I yelled again after I got no response, the shower in there had long since been turned off and now I was just waiting on a certain blonde to come out

After waiting another almost 15 minutes I stormed my way in ready to scold her out of exhaustion, but instead was welcomed with Lisa curled up on the tile floor of the shower cubicle either passed out or asleep, I can't really tell right now, all I can make out is that shes naked so I wrapped a towel around her and carried her out

I dressed her carefully with my eyes closed of course before grabbing our bags and heading out of the building and starting toward the dorms. When I got in as I expected all the lights were off and it was dead silent, evidence the two had long gone to sleep. So I brought Lisa to her room and tucked her into bed before going and flopping into my own bed. not bothering to brush my hair or teeth and just fell dead asleep.

-Morning-      -6:46am-

I woke up again this morning the same way I always do, to my annoying alarm clock and my fluffy dogs Kuma and Kai licking me and jumping on me, and I can't forget the noise of everyone else in the kitchen having a quick breakfast.

So I dragged myself out of bed forcing myself to complete my morning routine and lugged my body to the kitchen plopping into a seat at the dining table and shoved the freshly made pancakes (curtesy to Jisoo unnie's amazing culinary skills) down my throat and chugged my orange juice while listening to the others have small talk.

I checked the time and as I expected, it's time to go back to work "Girls lets go it's 7:33" I interrupted Jisoo and Chaeyoung's very animated conversation of which k-drama they should watch next, only making them groan and get up, dragging our youngest behind them. We made it to the company no less than 30 minutes later and went straight to our daily classes and practices

Everything ran smoothly until Singing classes rolled around, Lisa had been making excuse after excuse on why she couldn't sing that day for the past weeks she'd been here and the teacher wasn't having it today.

 "Lisa you're going to sing today,  no ifs ands or buts about it. You'll go after Miyeon and Chaeyoung's duet" She stressed, clearly upset having seen Lisa already opening her mouth to make an excuse before class had even begun. I gave the young girl a sympathizing yet straightforward look. "You have to do it, Lisa, You can don't worry about it" I patted her shoulder before going up to the mic and taking my turn.

After what seemed like a long time Lisa's turn rolled up and she started noticeably sweating. I rubbed her arm a little and nudged her forward toward the microphone. "You can do it, Lisa!" I heard one of the other girls, Mina, I think yell from one of the back seats. I saw Lisa shoot her a small smile before taking a deep breath. The music started and I could tell she was trying but nothing seemed to wanna come out, so I went up next to her and started with her.

A minute later into the song I gradually stopped singing, letting her engross herself into the song and sing it on her own, I stepped back away from her slowly and she finished the song nicely

"That was great Lisa!" The teacher said in the midst of the dying away claps from our classmates "It wasn't that bad was it" She nudged her giving her shoulder a squeeze before dismissing us for the day

I'm gonna end this one here :) Hehehehehehe, Let me know if you want a part 2 maayyybbbeee I'll give it to you *smirks* Author Out! <Normal outro that im currently too lazy to type so cuddle ur pets ya'll!>

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