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Jennie's POV

We just got home from a photo shoot for our Kia add. It was fun but Lisa had to leave early for a Celine photo shoot *pout*

I've been a little worried about her the whole shoot though, she's looked pale since this morning and she just seemed out of it. I tried to check on her a few times during changing periods but she just assured me she was fine.

Although I could here the weakness in her voice she still managed to smile at me...

Time skip. Midnight

I had decided to wait for Lisa. I knew her shoot would take a very long time, hence she would be home really late. When I heard the door open I immediately sat up straight on the couch.

I waited for her to come in but I didn't here anything? So I got up and walked around the corner to the front door area. When I did my heart shattered at the upsetting sight of Lisa.

She was crouched down sitting on the floor knees to her chest. Head buried in her arms that were settled on her knees. She looked weak and vulnerable.

I quickly walked up to her and gently moved her arms to reveal her pale face. Her eyes were tearful and bloodshot. Her nose red and slightly runny.

"Oh Lili I should've known you weren't okay" I pulled her into a tight yet gentle hug and she clung onto me. "I'm tired unnie" her voice was tired and raspy. I didn't think of it when I did it but I picked her up like a toddler and carefully carried her back to my bedroom.I could here her sniffling slightly and it only got me more worried. How long had she really been like this? I wonder.

I open my bedroom door and gently shut it with her foot. She gently set Lisa on her bed and took off her heels and jacket. (Lisa smaller than Jennie in this one shot btw). I walked into my closet and grabbed a slightly oversized Chanel T-shirt and some black cotton sleeping shorts.

I walked back over to Lisa who was whining and crying. She probably had a headache poor girl *sigh*. I gently stripped her clothes with my eyes closed of course. Once I finished changing Lisa's clothes I went into my bathroom and wet a small washcloth in cool water.

When I walked back in I gently pushed Lisa's now sweat soaked bangs away from her (holy) forehead and put the cloth on it. Then I went back in the bathroom and did the same thing but with a smaller towel. Then walked back in and despite Lisa's protest I wiped her face and body with the towel. After I finished I tucked her under the covers and went and changed into my own pajamas. "Lili why didn't you tell me you didn't feel well when I asked?" I decided to question her but she just shook her head not answering. She's been quite non-verbal since earlier so I just let it be. "Ok Lisa you don't have to talk just rest ok" I gently spoke to her as if I was talking to a little kid. I lay down next to her and she immediately scooted over to me and lay on my chest.

I let her be and petted her hair softly till I was sure she fell asleep. Once I was sure she was asleep I closed my eyes and slept myself.

The next morning

Still Jennie's POV

I woke up to the sun rays gently kissing my face. But that thought was shook off immediately when I heard violent coughing.

My eyes shot open and I sat up and looked around only to see Lisa curled up on her side coughing so violently it made people with bronchitis seem like they only had colds. I panicked and started to gently rub and pat her back.

She turned around and looked at me with teary eyes. Her face was splotchy red and sickly pale at the same time. I panicked a little bit restrained myself. I gently petted Lisa's hair again to try and calm her while at the same time taking my phone to call Jisoo unnie across the hall. She'd know what to do with Lisa *sigh*

Call between Jisoo and Jennie:

Jennie: hey unnie I need your help in my room

Jisoo: why jenduekie what's up??

Jennie: There's a bit of a problem. Lisa's been sick since last night and she woke up coughing really violently she still is. I need help unnie

Jisoo: *sigh* I'll be over in a second *hung up*

Call ended

Jisoo's POV

I got out of bed when I hung up the call with Jennie. I knew this would happen. Poor Lisa's been up super late hours a day doing work and now it's clearly take it's toll on her. *sigh*

I walked into Jennie's room across the hall only to be met with the sound of Lisa's violent coughing and Jennie's voice attempting to calm her down.

I swiftly walked over to Lisa and scooped her up in my arms and sitting down placing her in my lap. I rested her head on my chest and made her hug my torso while I rubbed her back soothingly. Once she calmed down just a little she started hyperventilating so I reached over to the bottom drawer of Jennie's night stand and pulled out a bright purple inhaler.

I put in up to Lisa's mouth and she latched on quickly. I pumped it twice letting the air into Lisa's lungs again as she inhaled. I rubbed her back a little more as her breathing evened.

"Do you feel better now lisa?" I looked down at her to see her give a small nod. I told Jennie to follow me out and I picked Lisa up slowly again. I went out to the kitchen and sat Lisa down then cooked some soup. When I finished it I called chipmunk in and we all ate. From time to time I'd see Jennie fussing over Lisa and checking her temperature. *chuckle* she's so whipped for Lisa. When everyone was finished I washed the dishes while Jennie helped Lisa back to the room again to rest.

When I finished with the dishes I went back to check on Jennie and Lisa. When they weren't in the room I heard voices and soft splashing in the bathroom. I guess Jennie's helping Lisa take a bath then.

I walked out of the room and got on the phone with manager unnie.


Jisoo: hello manager unnie

Manager: yes jisoossi?

Jisoo: uhm can we take a weeks rest. Lisa's fallen sick and it's bad.

Manager: oh okay then I'll talk to sajangnim about that. He'll agree for sure.

Jisoo: okay thank you manager unnie

Manager: of course Jisoo tell
Lisa I said to feel better soon

Jisoo: will do manager unnie bye bye *hung up*

Call ended

After I hung up I walked into Jennie's bathroom to see her washing Lisa in the tub while Lisa played with the bubbles with only slight energy. I smiled at Jennie's care towards our Maknae. "Hey girls sajangnim is gonna give us a weeks leave because Lisa's sick." Jennie gave me a nod and thumbs up before mouthing a thank you and going back to her Lili.

Lisa's POV

Jennie unnie is giving me a bath right now so I just played with the bubbles while she washed me. I felt a little better than I did last night and earlier now. I love my unnies. They always know how to make me feel better *weak smile* "Jennie unnie can we just nap after my bath" I looked up at Jennie and she nodded while rinsing my hair. She told me all done a moment later and wrapped me in a towel carrying me to the room again.

She set me down on her bed and dressed me in a oversized Celine T-shirt and some short shorts before tucking me in and kissing my forehead. Then she snuggled me until I fell asleep.

Should I make a part 2????

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